PS3 HDMI Problem


Formerly Mad
Oct 20, 2006
Woke up today and when I tried turning the PS3 on, the TV wouldn't detect the HDMI signal, and naturally I thought it might be the cable. Tried the same cable with the 360 and it loaded up fine. A quick google search later, I tried the video settings reset (holding the power button till it beeps twice etc.) but nothing is working. The only time I can see anything on the TV with the PS3 connected to it is when I remove both the power cable and HDMI cable and plug them back in -- it's a bunch of fuzzy red dots on a black screen, sort of like when your HDMI cable is nearing it's end.

Any ideas?
I just tried this. Connected it to an SDTV via the A/V cable and also the HDTV through the HDMI cable; tried setting the display output to HDMI but still nothing on the HDTV.
A friend of mine has suggested that it could be that the HDMI out on the PS3 "is fried", but if that were true I wouldn't be getting the red dots when I disconnect everything and connect them again, would I?

Anyway, thanks for the help - new cable it is then.
XB360 doesn't use HDCP, so it's apples and oranges.

If you have reset it, then it will not output over HDMI, you'll have to get your A/V cable out.

Weaste, my PS3 does display over the HDMI even when I reset the video settings, at 480p. I do it sometimes when I move my PS3 from my 1080p TV, back to its usual 720p TV in my room, and forget to change the settings.

Its the 40 GB model, which was on sale along with the 80 GB back in 2007.
I had this happen a few weeks ago (maybe not the same thing but similar)

Turned the PS3 on, went to HDMI1, came up 'no signal being received' even though it was plugged in fine. Unplugged and plugged in and still nothing, so all I did was plug it into the HDMI2 slot and switch over to HDMI2 on my TV and it works. Might be worth trying that if your TV has 2 slots on it.
I had this happen a few weeks ago (maybe not the same thing but similar)

Turned the PS3 on, went to HDMI1, came up 'no signal being received' even though it was plugged in fine. Unplugged and plugged in and still nothing, so all I did was plug it into the HDMI2 slot and switch over to HDMI2 on my TV and it works. Might be worth trying that if your TV has 2 slots on it.

Just managed to fix it by disconnecting the cable from both ends and reconnecting. The HDMI2 thing worked after all, not directly but it made me pull out both ends. Money saved :devil:
If anyone else has the same problem, it's as I said unlikely to be the HDMI controller chip in the PS3 that's at fault. It's an off the shelf number used in a lot of different devices, not just PS3, isn't complicated, doesn't produce heat, etc. It's a Panasonic jobby in the slims.
