PS3 games vs Xbox games


Full Member
Feb 22, 2004
I started thinking about MGS4 and how it uses the exclusive blue ray format, so I started thinking is this how the PS3 exclusives will profile themself. Both MGS4 and FF13 was/is rumored to be so large that hey had problem to fit it on a blue ray disc. Is it possible that the PS3 exclusives will go for a much more cinematic look, interactive cutscenes/little difference between cutscenes and gameplay from a grpahic standpoint and thus giving them a more cinematic feel.
360 Cutscenes will have to rendered in the game engine most likely, no difference between graphics and gameplay.
Mass Effect (for example) uses filtering effects that you can actually turn on and off in the options to make it more cinematic if you wish.

Forza 3 is rumoured to have multiple dvd discs.

In short no, I don't think Blue Ray will necessarily mean more cinematics, or a more cinematic look, that's just a developer choice.
that's just a developer choice.


FF and MGS have almost always been cutscene heavy, it's nowhere near representative.

What Blu-ray can really give is the option of uncompressed multi-channel and multi-language audio all on the same disc. This is a big cost saver.

Blu-ray could also give a bigger game, but with production costs so high as is, I doubt that this is likely. Developers do not however have to fanny around with compression, big win unless the industry really is going to go down the procedural path with textures.
Ps3 has a slight texture advantage.

It can't fit as many of them in its RAM though without fannying around. What is interesting is a game like Uncharted, which probably has some of the best texturing work in any console game, yet it does not require an install and loading (apart from at the beginning of the game) is almost non-existant. In comparision to other games such as MGS4 which put you through 10 minute install procedures.
So why was so much space necessary? Just the audio tracks?

Most likely. Cutscenes with unique textures as well. Someone has ripped the ISO of the disc I read a while back. Apparently it's 30GB or there abouts. That doesn't say much, but they did not fill a dual layer disc, and that 30GB included MGO (in fairness this is probably sharing a lot of the assets though).
Actually when you think about it, Wouldn't it be easier to swap a DVD disk instead of waiting for a 10 minute load sequence in between acts?