PS3 Free downloads?


Company man, hitched.
Mar 19, 2008
punching cats for eggs at a dustbin near you
This might be a silly question but are there any full games you can download onto your PS3 for free? i've got a few demos which aint too bad but i wouldn't mind an old school free game if there are any to be had!

i dont think it is possible but i know one trick that works .

so basically your friend buys sometinig from ps store, and he comes to your place and On yours PS3 he creates new user (his psnid) and he logs onto the store with his id. now he can download again things he bought before (for free this time of course). so you have new game on your console. this works up to 5 different consoles.
its a good way to share costs of games .
I meant for new activations of your account. I can only remember reading something in late October that they changed the terms of service from 5 to 3, but as I'm getting old, and my memory isn't what it was, I could be wrong.

You're most likely wrong, unfortunately. We created a new account for those games.
I've found where I read it, but it seems that it's not true and something got muxed somewhere along the line.

Sony doesn't Fight Gamesharing, New TOS has a typo - NeoGAF

Glad that you admit to being a thief though.

In my defence, I do pay for the games...

I myself do wonder why Sony hasn't patched this loophole yet.

But then again, I don't think any of us would have bought the games individually, so maybe leaving this loophole as it is does help drive sales to a certain extent. For example, Flower is a fantastic experience, but I would definitely not pay SG$15 for it.

However, buying PSN games through this method makes me worried because I'd lose all of them if my PS3 crashes before I can deactivate it.