my face causes global warming
Is there anything you can do about these? Any options to tweak etc? Mine has just gone to shit, apparently it's going to take 1900 minutes to download the 1.8g BF:BC2 patch, and the DC Universe Online beta I had updating for 15 hours (15GB patch) and I turned my tv on this morning to see 150 hours estimated remaining... are there any options you can piss about with in the PS3 menus to maximise download performance?
I have a 20mb connection but only get around 0.5/1 down the line. It should only take 30 mins to an hour to download that BF patch and not 31 hours... currently achieving what looks like 17kbps when downloading via the ps3...
I have a 20mb connection but only get around 0.5/1 down the line. It should only take 30 mins to an hour to download that BF patch and not 31 hours... currently achieving what looks like 17kbps when downloading via the ps3...