PS2 classics


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Jan 18, 2009
PS1 classics

After reading the scary console game thread, I started to get nostalgic. Got an emulator, looking for great PS1 games. Anyone got any ideas?
Depends what you like, some of my favourite games were:

God of War 1-2
Metal Gear Solid 1-3
GTA San Andreas
Gran Turismo 2
Tomb Raider series
Final Fantasy 7
Dynasty Warriors series! The 5th was the last one I got. The 4th is still a brilliant game imo.
Ratchet and Clank games
Kingdom Hearts
Time Splitters
Shadow of Colossus
GTA games

GTA: Vice City and San Andreas
Dynasty Warriors 4 or 5? Cant remember which
More importantly where didn't you find this emulator ?

I got PCSX2 but my CPU hasn't got a clock rate strong enough to run it. Intel i3 and it's not strong enough..... emulation sucks ass

PS1 games only lads

Edit: How do I change the title of the thread?
Intel i3 and it's not strong enough..... emulation sucks ass

This is why not even the mighty PS3 can emulate a PS2, even though it has more computational throughput than an i7. Problem in the PS3s case is the GPU though, not the CPU, Emotion Engine is emulated on the Cell without too much of a problem. PS1 is trivial, even the PSP can emulate the PS1.
Ah I have no problem emulating PS1 games. Apparently I need a minimum of 3GHz to emulate PS2. Only got 2.2 now and its running in slow motion even with speed hacks and 2 cores prioritised on it.
This is why not even the mighty PS3 can emulate a PS2, even though it has more computational throughput than an i7. Problem in the PS3s case is the GPU though, not the CPU, Emotion Engine is emulated on the Cell without too much of a problem. PS1 is trivial, even the PSP can emulate the PS1.

come again?
come again?

The chip that put pixels on your screen in the PS2 had what is called crazy bandwidth to its target rendering memory. It was nothing like a modern GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), thus to do certain things, went over and over and over and over in many passes to get the desired result. The GPU in the PS3 is not capable of doing this. Modern GPUs work in a very different manner. Thus, what it means is that you can't get the GPU in the PS3 (RSX) simply to do the same thing as the GS (Graphics Synthesizer) did. On a PC this isn't such of a problem, modern PC GPUs have the capability (almost) to copy the GS and do it through brute force.
Metal Gear Solid


Castlevania - Symphony of the Night


Final Fantasy 7-9




Syphon Filter


Silent Hill


Resident Evil 1-3



Some more of my favourite JRPG's

Final Fantasy Tactics




Vagrant Story


The Legend of Dragoon


Wild Arms



Legend of Legaia

The chip that put pixels on your screen in the PS2 had what is called crazy bandwidth to its target rendering memory. It was nothing like a modern GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), thus to do certain things, went over and over and over and over in many passes to get the desired result. The GPU in the PS3 is not capable of doing this. Modern GPUs work in a very different manner. Thus, what it means is that you can't get the GPU in the PS3 (RSX) simply to do the same thing as the GS (Graphics Synthesizer) did. On a PC this isn't such of a problem, modern PC GPUs have the capability (almost) to copy the GS and do it through brute force.

Oh, I see.

Do you reckon it's worth me keeping my PS2? I haven't used it in years. Can it do anything else but play games?