Prince EA


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
Who's heard of him? Recently got into him a couple of weeks ago. A very clever rapper, made some very interesting concept tracks, eg.:

And the way he broke it down with this one was pretty special aswell.

He's young aswell, only 22 or something, got a bright future ahead of him IMHO...
I rate him..A lot. He obviously needs to get himself on a boat though, since this thread will depressingly be about 4 posts long.

If we keep posting incessantly and crank it up to about 3 pages, someone might eventually look in out of curiosity.

In fact we only really need to get Boss upset that he's taken the piss out of Drake, and he'll throw a big gay wobbly, then get banned, then Brad can come in and complain about it, whilst I morally grandstand and tell everyone what hypocrites they are (preferably whilst doing something hypocritical) and hey presto, we'll have a 10 page thread, ostensibly about this really promising young artist...Ostensibly.
Ostensibly of course, just make sure you dont hyperlink the thread to Hectic's Hip Hop Thread, otherwise it'll be the end for both of us. Speaking of our loveable little Admin, I think he might like a couple of this stuff, though the productioin lets him down from time to time, and his flow can be inconsistent. But when it comes to EA, I look past that, and just focus on the lyrical content. He has a very good message behind every single one of his tracks, and he's one of the very few who uses his music to educate his listeners... The Brain is just unadulterated Genius IMHO
That second video is stupidly good, staggering so.
I'm into my 4th straight playthrough of it back-to-back

Is there anywhere i can download his stuff?
Not that I know of mate, I usually rip his stuff off youtube. His whole movement is about making Smart Cool. If he carries on, he might just actually do it.