Pre-owned console


Full Member
Jul 24, 2007
Quick question - is it better to get a pre-owned 360, or a pre-owned PS3? I'd be looking at the cheapest option for either.

Not fussed with online play, though if its relatively cheap I'd like it. Just want something to do over the summer now college is over.
You have to bear in mind I've currently only got about £120 to my name :lol:
Well for a 120 you can get a brand new 360 arcade with free 40 pound game. I'm not sure about second hand prices, but i'm assuming 360 would be cheaper (if potentially more unreliable)
Hmmm, PS3 free online is tempting, do you not need to pay a membership or like the XBox Live points? Or am I getting confused? :lol:

Cheers for the replies thus far.
Depends what you want it for, really. Have a look at the exclusives on each, see which you'd prefer. Online gaming is free on the PS3, so that would save you £40 a year. But both have their pro's and con's. I've owned both and I would recommend the PS3 however.
Hmmm, PS3 free online is tempting, do you not need to pay a membership or like the XBox Live points? Or am I getting confused? :lol:

Cheers for the replies thus far.

you dont need to pay for online at all. you can though, ps store plus it is called , you get some random stuff free if you decide to pay for it :wenger: namely some old games , minis ( shite low budget games ) and more shit like this. not worth imo. some will come up with free lbp , which you get if you decide to subscribe now, but who cares.
Get an Xbox/PS2 or Gamecube and shitloads of games! There's very little on the new machines that hasn't been done before.

None of those machines have anywhere near the amount of problems todays machines have and are much safer second-hand, especially the Gamecube.

If it's online you are after, then it depends on what type of games you play. Multi-format games are generally smoother on the 360, however you have to pay to use it online (not much, but it's still money). I'd only really get the PS3 if there's exclusive games on there you really want to play.
I'm torn between paying less for an XBox but having to pay for online, or paying more for a PS3 but getting it free.

Might opt for the 360 anyway since I doubt I'd use online enough to justify it. Thanks for the help gays. Sorry, guys. :smirk:

That looks decent to me.

Read my above post before you decide. The current gen really offers little new to the last one.
im sure but that would be a long discussion so lets not start it.

I know, what I was actually saying is DUH! :smirk:

However, with a limited budget and your brain in gear, surely (unless you were a graphic fiend), one of the last generation of consoles plus a ton of games would be better. After all, there is little actual new innovations in terms of gameplay in this generation of games (other than the Wii of course, even then the best games are ones from the past generation slightly updated with shaking controls :) ).
These guys might say xbox live costs 40 quid a year... but the reality is it's much much cheaper then that. Microsoft often have offers on, and you can easily get it for 25-30 quid on sites on the net. Not forgetting you can just buy a month, and you get your first month free :)
im sure but that would be a long discussion so lets not start it.

He's right though, the emphasis on quality single-player titles has diverted into this repetitive bollocks with every other game being an FPS, and all the focus on online aspects and gimmicky motion sensing rubbish. It doesnt look too promising for the future either where Kinect and Move seem to set the norm from whats to come.
He's right though, the emphasis on quality single-player titles has diverted into this repetitive bollocks with every other game being an FPS, and all the focus on online aspects and gimmicky motion sensing rubbish. It doesnt look too promising for the future either where Kinect and Move seem to set the norm from whats to come.

i dont play shooters at all. i could name you at least 10 innovative ps3 titles but as i said , im about to watch a movie. nite !
I have a pre-owned PS3. Huge risk to buy it. Turned out the problem was stickers covering the air vents (really idiotic) and a bad AV cable. Hasn't given me problems since though.
i dont play shooters at all. i could name you at least 10 innovative ps3 titles but as i said , im about to watch a movie. nite !

Well when you're done with the movie please list these games, I'm intrigued to see whats so innovative about really my PS3 could do with some loving.
there you go:

3D Dot Game Heroes
Brütal Legend
Heavy Rain
ModNation Racers
Valkyria Chronicles

i hope i dont have to explain why

Apart from flower and possibly LBP (although game creators within a game aren't really new), I'm afraid you are going to have to explain why these are so innovative (as opposed to a few added additions to existing games) for this generation of consoles that would mean someone should buy one over the last or any other generation.

there you go:

3D Dot Game Heroes havent seen a product like this before
Brütal Legend guitar hero+free roam+ elements of rts, first time
EyePet great fun,advanced tamagochi for ps consoles, first time
Heavy Rain qte for whole game, choices, more advanced project than fahrenheit
MAG 256 online players on consoles for first time
ModNation Racers fully customizable racer, first time
Skate - flickit
Valkyria Chronicles- whole concept of the game

i hope i dont have to explain why

get a 360. then get xbox live. then give me a game of MW2.

When I win, I'll insult you buy saying you have a sloped forehead, btw.
Nice to know I'm not the only one who has been disappointed with this gen of consoles. This current gen has made me despise FPSs. The Wii has some innovation but has far, far too much shovelware. feck you Nintendo for selling out to the casual gamer.
Nice to know I'm not the only one who has been disappointed with this gen of consoles. This current gen has made me despise FPSs. The Wii has some innovation but has far, far too much shovelware. feck you Nintendo for selling out to the casual gamer.

Ironically Nintendo are actually simultaneously giving the hardcore gamers what they want too.

Oh and I wouldn't say I'm disappointed with this gen of consoles, but it is all much of the sameness and all this online multiplayer bullshit dictating game design and dancing crap does irk me.
Ironically Nintendo are actually simultaneously giving the hardcore gamers what they want too.

Oh and I wouldn't say I'm disappointed with this gen of consoles, but it is all much of the sameness and all this online multiplayer bullshit dictating game design and dancing crap does irk me.
I don't actually hate Nintendo, I was being sarcastic. Forgive my ignorance but what exactly do you mean by the first bit?