Pratchett's 'The colour of magic'.

David Jason is Rincewind Spin you gimp. Granted hes an older, shorter version of Pratchett's Rincewind, and I'm not entirely sure his running skills are that up to scratch either...
Yeah he is not quite hoe I pictured Rincewind. I always imagined him to be a tall lanky kind of character and only in his late 30's/40's. How old is he anyway? I don;t recall any of the books actually mentioning his age
Not sure - I think he's become kind of ageless and unkillable. There's a mention somewhere of his hourglass, which is so twisted and weird that sand actually flows upwards in some places, implying he's getting younger.

Yes, I'm sad, I know.
Yeah I remember that from the last continent. Not even death knows when he is going to die or summit. Would you believe I'm not actually that big a fan of the Discworld novels...?
Yeah I remember that from the last continent. Not even death knows when he is going to die or summit. Would you believe I'm not actually that big a fan of the Discworld novels...?

Some are better than others. I've always liked the City Watch ones. Rincewind's are ok. Not really a fan of the Witches, but the new Moist ones are quite entertaining.
They made the Hogfather?!! I didn't now that. That was one of my favourites in the 'Death' series. I'm going to download that now... if I can find it. Know any torrent links?

I'm shocked, I thought out of anyone on here you would have known that first?

Try this:

There are a couple, I don't recall now where I got it, as it was a Xmas special on Sky1 a while ago now.

But Pratchett turns up in the very final scene, you can't miss him.
I kind of want to at least start reading the Discworld novels.

Would I be better off reading them in order of publication, or, as someone once suggested to me, in order of their story arcs (so all the Rincewind novels, then all the death novels etc.)?
You're better off not reading the Rincewind ones first, he didn't discover plot until a few novels in, the City Watch novels is a good place to start, Guards Guards is the first
So Guards! Guards, Men At Arms and then Feet of Clay? Despite them being the 8th, 15th and 19th books in the series? It seems odd, there being a series and not reading it in order, but I'll take your word for it :D