post shaving


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
mods: I was passed the 3000 post mark last week. just noticed today that I'm back down to 2968 or something like that.
to be honest I know some of them are crap (they are) but why didn't you tell me that you are knocking some of 'em off?

on the plus side I won't waste my 3000th post on Blatter again.
World Cup Forum was removed, and all of your posts in it.
thought that was it. they were all pieces of art they were. insightful, funny, informative, educational and thought provoking.

not really.
We lost the thread where i beat noodle in a llama-off. Thats gutting.
noodlehair said:
It was an Alpaca

It was a llama. You lost after growing confused and posting a picture of a swan. Which, incidentally looks nothing like an alpaca or a llama
It wasn't a llama off, since I didn't once post a picture of a llama

It was more of a random picture-off-type-thing. I won easily. Man Utd Mrs came second
You did post a picture of a llama. I clearly won, MUM came second and the swan came third. You're probably still thinking of a picture to post...