Playstation Move

Yeah I got one as a present. Only tried it with the demos, but it's quite good. I've never played the Wii, so I can't compare it to that, but the Move is quite accurate (all the reviews I've read say it is 1:1) and on the table tennis game if you play a shot by twisting your wrist, the ball will spin as you intended.

It hasn't got any 'must-have' games atm, so I don't think people will rush out to buy it, but games like LBP2, KZ3 and 'the Fight' will probably determine if the Move is a success or not.
I had a try of it at a relatives and was instantly impressed by the accuracy of it. As the ha rooney stated earlier the table tennis game really highlights how well the movement of the wrist directly impacts on how the in game character hits the ball. The potential for racket based games is great, if games like MLB The Show incoporate Move but not on a gimmicky level then it will really enhance the gaming experience.

Honestly I wasn't a whole lot interested in Move, in fact I was slightly worried about Sony going down the route but with the right games it might make me buy it. But it is and always will be a add-on to certain games just like say a Guitar is to Guitar Hero.
Been looking at Sports Champions gameplay videos on Youtube, worth getting for offline multiplayer with standard dualshock controllers?
I had a try of it at a relatives and was instantly impressed by the accuracy of it. As the ha rooney stated earlier the table tennis game really highlights how well the movement of the wrist directly impacts on how the in game character hits the ball. The potential for racket based games is great, if games like MLB The Show incoporate Move but not on a gimmicky level then it will really enhance the gaming experience.

Honestly I wasn't a whole lot interested in Move, in fact I was slightly worried about Sony going down the route but with the right games it might make me buy it. But it is and always will be a add-on to certain games just like say a Guitar is to Guitar Hero.

You can use it with Killzone 3. Naughty Dog said no, so I suppose it's up to the developer.
Dead space extraction is incredibly responsive. I'm really looking forward to playing killzone 3 with the move.

It may be a gimmick buts it's a bloody excellent gimmick.
I don't have one, it is worth giving it a go?

I've spent in the region of seventy five quid buying the move starter kit and navigation controller recently and i can honestly say that i'm delighted with it.

I'd definitely recommend it Weaste mate but at the end of the day it's down to personal preference.

Sony seem to be taking Move very seriously so it will be equally interesting and exciting to see what they are going to do with it.

The Move controllers responsiveness puts the Wii to shame.

The only negative thing I can say about the move is the lack of compatible games right now, something I'm sure that will be rectified in the near future.
I have also since my comments got it too but its had no use other than on the demos that come with it and Resi 5 which I kinda never got into. I have MLB The Show coming soon though and thats mainly why I got it.
I have barely played it, despite getting it on launch date.

When I get Killzone 3 I might try playing it with the move, but the dualshock controller feels natural and I'll probably stick with that. As Garethw said, it's down to personal preference if you're a fan of it or not.
I had a go on this on Friday night. Great fun, and I am considering buying it. My question is, are there enough quality games out there that utilise it, to justify the expense?
There are some major titles that support it, but as I said, it's up to the developer, Sony doesn't force them to support it. Here's a list.

Game List

Thanks, Weaste. Some interesting titles there. I played Sports Champions (the ping pong) and the accuracy and spin you can put on the ball is quite startling. I want that, Top Spin 4 is supposed to be good, Tiger Woods is compatible, and I would like a good boxing game. Although I am not sure if that exists yet.
I can only find one fighting game (The Fight: Lights Out), but the reviews aren't great. I think it is bare knuckle fighting as opposed to boxing.

Just picked up the Move starter pack, and Sports Champions. Unfortunately, I have to charge the controller first. Pfffffffffffffftttttt.
Have no idea to be honest. PSN boxing would be killer, though.
We can hope....

A RedCafe league set up, a move boxing game with spectators a la GT5. Everyone joins the lobby and watches the 2 punch it out having no idea where said person is going to throw his punch and how they are going to duck/weave etc.

Table tennis is fecking great. It is very realistic. I am actually sweating.