Plan B


Full Member
Aug 18, 2008
Just started listening to his album again, I forgot how good it was, i'm sure most of you wont like his stuff, but are there any other fans out there?

His new one is coming out/is out

Apparently its completely different, I'm worried as I've not heared any of it yet :lol:
End Credits is just a fecking amazing track.

Whilst we're talking about that, does anyone have any tracks similar to it?

Oh and Plan B played his part well in Harry Browne, played it so well in fact that I would have loved to have kicked the living shit out of his character.
Gutted I missed this guy at Glasto, both his albums are fecking sick. First is raw relentless stuff, the second is lighter but that's just his evolution... trying something new for himself.

Gonna try and catch him later on in the year if I can get tickets.
He is brilliant. Get bored of the first album, you listen to the second one. Get bored of the second one, you listen to the first one. He's great.
Listening to something like Writings on the Wall after Kidz just shows how ridiculously talented he is.

Pretty good actor to.