Phoneshop on E4 yesterday...

Just watched it, thought it was a bit meh.
I saw the advert.

I thought it was a piss take phones 4 U advert, I never for one second thought it was meant to seriously be funny.

Suffice to say, when I found out I didn't bother watching it, since BBC3 and E4 have a history of overhyped gash.
Oh my word. Just watched this. One of the worst things i've ever sat through. Absolute shite.
I know I'm probably the only one, but I'm looking forward tonights episode.
I know I'm probably the only one, but I'm looking forward tonights episode.

I'm amazed how anyone can find it even remotely amusing to be honest. It must be an age thing.
I thought it was alright. Bit of a one joke thing though. Once you get over the fact that the two assistants talk like me and my mates at school did after we got into Garage, it's not that amazing. That seems to be half the joke.
No, it's not an age thing. I can assure you

I dunno then. Maybe i'm just a grumpy cnut.

Having said that there's a lot of popular stuff that i just didn't like/get:

Little Britain, Scrubs, Harry Enfield, Lee Evans. There's a few more too that have been really popular but just don't do it for me.
I find it side splittingly funny.

I think the humour is in the fact that someof us have friends who actually give it all that ghetto bollocks...
Latest episode was pure quality.

The cage, the security guard and the mascot. :lol: