Pete vs Life


Apr 29, 2003
anyone watching this on Channel 4 at the moment, its quite funny, Pete has commentators analysing his every move
Took one look and turned to BBC 2 with Dawn French. It's not much better though.
Yeah I perservered with it, definitely got better by the end and I thought it was a good way of passing 30 minutes. The eye-candy was good, the humour was hit and miss but getting better.. I reckon its one of those series that should hopefully grow on you once the characters are expanded upon.
its by the same people who made peep show isn't it? I'll check it out on 4OD later
i like it! definitely has a Peep Show vibe to it - nowhere near as good of course

I took a 2nd watch of this as there was nothing else on. Slightly annoying but funny in places.
I watched this last week, thought it was really good. This week was good too, but not as good.
Terrible show. Why get the most annoying person in the universe to play the main character and the 3rd and 4th to commentate on his halfwittedness, with there halfwittedness.
Terrible show. Why get the most annoying person in the universe to play the main character and the 3rd and 4th to commentate on his halfwittedness, with there halfwittedness.

I believe that is entirely the point.

Who is the 2nd by the way?
I like it, and I like Rafe Spall, but I can't help but feel that it's USP (The Grayish Keysian commentary on his life) isn't funny at all, and as such isn't needed. Without that it's just quite a funny normal sitcom about an idiot and his daily travails, so I can see why the idea of the commentators elevates it as a show...But that bit of it isn't funny. Which is odd.

Those are my thoughts.