Pete Rock


Full Member
Sep 6, 2009
Social distancing
I just stumbled across this relatively old instrumental he produced, and I really like it. Anyone here know of any other stuff he has produced that would be either in a similar style, or just generally worth a listen? I expect I will get abuse for being late on his work, but I'm there now

I loved the first minute of that song... then was disappointed that's all it was.

I've never heard of him before, but then again, my knowledge outside of Metallica, The Libertines and DOWN is practically none.
Get this if you like the instrumentals - although personally i prefer his work in collaboration with others and will always associate him with CL Smooth

Pete Rock - Petestrumentals
Following the trend of Underground Hip-Hop. I would like to post my personal favourite album of all time. Words can't describe how much I love this album, it's perfect for every situation. When I'm upset, it makes me realize that I have nothing to really feel bad about, when I'm happy, it increases that elevated feeling.

The production is the key since it's mostly instrumentals. Pete Rock smashes apart everything and anything, no-one has been able to come close to this sound since this album, apart from himself obviously. Every track is a brilliant song, no 'skip' tracks. My all-time favourite producer of Hip-Hop....presenting Pete Rock!


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Petestrumentals and The Surviving Elements are a must download, that is exactly what you are looking for.

Also, you might need to hear K-Murdock - -Breaks- Rhythms & Loops.

You will struggle to top the above album.
You can't really go wrong with Pete Rock's intros.