Penn & Teller

Member 5225

Anyone else seen them? Saw them at the Hammersmith Apollo last night and they were phenomenal. If there are tickets left and you can, go see them! That is all.
Saw them in Vegas a few years ago, absolutely brilliant they are.

At the end they ran out the exit doors and as everyone was leaving they signed autographs and posed for pictures with every single person, great guys. Teller does actually speak too!
Wasn't one of them in Sabrina the Teenage Witch...and appeared in an episode of Friends?
Wasn't one of them in Sabrina the Teenage Witch...and appeared in an episode of Friends?

Yep, that be Penn. Appeared in Friends as the Encyclopedia salesman to Joey if i remember correctly.
It's on ITV Player, really good, especially

the ending trick
Watching it on itv player, it's pissing all over "The Magicaians" on bbc1.
Watched this last night, thought it was ok, the act from first guy to 'fool them' was a bit crap though.
Yeah, bit underwhelming, but I can't figure it out either. If it's suggestion, how will it work repeatedly? He's bound to come across someone who's seen the act before (especially now it's televised)
The basis of the trick was clever enough I guess, but the whole act itself was cringeworthy I thought, he touted himself as a comedy magician but wasn't at all funny.
The basis of the trick was clever enough I guess, but the whole act itself was cringeworthy I thought, he touted himself as a comedy magician but wasn't at all funny.

The thing I found most amazing about him wasn't his trick, it was the fact he was the same age as Jonathan Ross. When they were stood next to each other the magician looked at least 20 years older than him.
I thought the card trick man was bloody brilliant (suited up)

Was anybody impressed with the orange envelope trick? I thought it was alright, but nothing amazing..dragged on for ages with no major ending...felt similar about 10 of hearts trick.

Penn and Tellar were class
I thought the card trick man was bloody brilliant (suited up)

Was anybody impressed with the orange envelope trick? I thought it was alright, but nothing amazing..dragged on for ages with no major ending...felt similar about 10 of hearts trick.

Penn and Tellar were class

That envelope trick was pretty poor, there was no magic or trickery involved it was a combination of subtlety and language.

But some of the others were great Ive bee practising for years and cant get anywhere near that sort of slight of hand movement, very very difficult.
Thought that Fool us was going to be a series, but alas not. Anyhoo, there's another episode on this weekend
Actually, wikipedia says this show on saturday night will be the first of 6
I love how they reveal tricks that other magicians do making them worthless but then end it with a twist making it their own. Its great.

They are great. Saw them at the Apollo as well last year. Got a pic with Penn. Class guys.
They were on BBC 1 i think, other acts came out and then Penn and Teller had to guess how they did there act. If they couldn't you win a trip to america.
New episode of Fool Us tonight. Just seen the second act and I'm guessing when Penn said, could he and Teller have done that trick, knowing all the moves; that the answer is no? My guess would be that the one who appeared from the back of the stage was maybe the twin brother of the one who started the act?
New episode of Fool Us tonight. Just seen the second act and I'm guessing when Penn said, could he and Teller have done that trick, knowing all the moves; that the answer is no? My guess would be that the one who appeared from the back of the stage was maybe the twin brother of the one who started the act?

Yep, that was my conclusion too, as you said what Penn asked them and then their subsequent reaction all but confirmed it for me.