Peep Show vs Curb your...


Full Member
Oct 30, 2005
Dig up stupid!
Peep show for me has been the best show on tv since LoG however since i discovered curb some 7-8months ago and have now seen every episode i have to say it is absolute genius and quite possibly better than peep show

so what say you?

who would win in a fight - the el dude brothers or long balls larry?
Peep show, just because I've seen far more of it but 'Curb' is quality too.
Big Larry David fan here..

however..err..what's Peep show?

what's peep show?

its the uk equivalent (on purely quality terms that is) to Curb hence i thought a vs type thread would be quite apt.

bascially its a show about 2 guys who live together but who are quite opposite in their personalities (done to death i know) but the genius comes from the viewer hearing the characters inner monologues

if i was clever enough to post pics and links i'd help further enlighten you but i aint.

if you're a comedy fan you must seek it out though its gold.
Tough call, both are absolute genius

I'd say Peep Show by a hair's breadth
Peep Show season five was a bit shit, but the original four were fantastic.

I rate it just above Curb, although they're both brilliant.
peep show series 1, 2 & 4 were absolute gold but i thought 3 & 5 were only ok, i'm worried that they're running out of ideas but with the possible addition of a baby for any upcoming series that could freshen it up.

Curb has been consistantly good from the start and while series 5 was easily the worst (imo) i thought 6 was brilliant, the addiing of the black family really livened it up again. the brother in particular had some great lines, and coogans guest appearance was quality also

I adore peepshow but i'm really leaning towards curb
Season 3 of Peep Show was brilliant. Mark's sister, the sectioning, jury duty. All fantastic.
Season 3 of Peep Show was brilliant. Mark's sister, the sectioning, jury duty. All fantastic.

the sectioning episode was good, i remember when i first saw super hans throw the lap top across the room i'd just taken a mouthful of beer - needless to say it went all over the place

he says something like 'you think they made of magic its a steel box Jez these things a re indestructable'
Curb started off brilliant but has got slightly less funnier with each series. On it's day though, it's the funniest show ever.

Peep Show has maintained standards better but never quite hit the heights of the very best episodes of Curb.

Overall, I reckon that makes it even stevens.
"People like Coldplay and voting for the Nazis, you can't trust people."
Curb started off brilliant but has got slightly less funnier with each series. On it's day though, it's the funniest show ever.

Peep Show has maintained standards better but never quite hit the heights of the very best episodes of Curb.

Overall, I reckon that makes it even stevens.

i dont know, i think the wedding episode of Peep Show could stand up to any Curb
"Oh right I see. Your little world is threatened by all the amazing Jack Nicholsons and Robin Williamses burning so bright and you've got to keep them down with your chemical cosh... Your dream, is just everyone, on the omnibus, grey, eating grey sludge, thats your dream isn't it?" - Jeremy Osborne
I just love the "Don't you even think about sectioning me because I will section you so hard!" line. Haha.

Anyway, I'm soon finished with Peep Show, and I'm looking around for similar series to it. I also love The Office, Extras, Flight of the Conchords etc.. I'm watching Alan Partridge and IT Crowd a bit, but can't really stand the cheesy laughter tracks. I've downloaded Darkplace, Funland, Nighty Night, Perfect World and Spaced because I've heard they are similar..

So! Any other series that could equal Peep Show? And when is Season 6 due?
peep show has some great little mini rant speaches, the piss yourself/dont piss yourself speech in the wedding episode never fails to cause me to piss myself (rather fittingly)

curbs stories are wonderfully put together you know that no matter what Larry does he'll fail in the end and no subject is taboo how many other shows would dare to impersonate a retard to frighten someone away - genius
Big fan of both, curb is just better though.

Arrested development gives both a run for their money imo (purely on comedy terms).

"A more relaxing challenge. More like a crossword than a tracheotemy"

Another brilliant scene. The face Jeremy pulls towards the end. :lol:
Mmmm Think I will need to catch this peep show, if people think it can be compared to Curb then it must be special.
Haha, yeah. That spasm scene is maybe the best in the entire series, watched it about 20 times trying to imitate that face. :lol:

no youtube at work but is that the 'yeah, well at least i don't fancy elves and pixies' scene?

if it is it's brilliant :lol:
Jeremy in the sperm bank looking for tugging inspiration, rummaging through his pockets and he pulls out a twenty pound note, to see the Queens head on it.

'Would it be wrong?'

Haven't laughed so hard in years. I was stoned though.
Love them both.

My favourite Curb moment has to be this from "The Survivor" (Although I also love the Krazy Eyes Killa episode).

Ad I love this bit from Peep Show