Paul Ince Scum?


Full Member
Jan 2, 2002
Although the guy was a great Man Utd Player#

The way he supports Liverpool is Disgrace
"I want Livepool to win the title, I get a lot of grief from Man Utd fans i can't understand it" <img src="graemlins/annoyed.gif" border="0" alt="[Annoyed]" />

You can understand fergie call him Big Time Charlie

Ince: come on Liverpool!

Paul Ince will be going all out to stop Manchester United winning the Premiership - because he wants Liverpool to take the title.

Ince comes face-to-face with Sir Alex Ferguson's side at Old Trafford on Saturday determined to make sure he does his old Anfield mates a favour.

The Middlesbrough midfielder is still upset at being branded a 'big-time Charlie' by his old United boss and says the animosity towards him from the champions, will see him cheering on Liverpool in the run-in.

Ince said: "I didn't leave Liverpool in the best circumstances but their fans never give me stick and that's why I'd like them to win the title. I still live in Liverpool and Jamie Redknapp is my best mate and I'd like them to do it.

"I get a lot of grief from United fans and I can't understand it. They should remember I was part of the team that took the title back to Old Trafford for the first time in 26 years.

"I sweated blood in my six years at United and I think I should be respected for that but all I get is stick because Sir Alex Ferguson once called me a big-time Charlie in some television programme.

"It's been a while since Liverpool won the title and it would be nice to see them do it so it's not Manchester United or Arsenal every season."

<img src="graemlins/nono.gif" border="0" alt="[No No]" /> ince

and then he wonders why we hate him
Originally posted by cd:

and then he wonders why we hate him</strong><hr></blockquote>

He gets booed every time he comes here, so you could say it's no wonder he hates us.

When did he ever not give his all for United?

I respect what he did for us.
He always had a big mouth, Fergie never liked him much what I can understand from the Biographie, Board wanted Ince back after his trip in Italy because he was a hit with the fans, but he's got a big mouth saying that. GIVE HIM MORE GRIEF NEXT TIME
:D <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" /> :D <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
Originally posted by Livvie20:

He gets booed every time he comes here, so you could say it's no wonder he hates us.

When did he ever not give his all for United?

I respect what he did for us.</strong><hr></blockquote>

thats true...he was a great player for us.
Originally posted by Red Tribe Leader:
<strong>He always had a big mouth, Fergie never liked him much what I can understand from the Biographie, Board wanted Ince back after his trip in Italy because he was a hit with the fans, but he's got a big mouth saying that. GIVE HIM MORE GRIEF NEXT TIME
:D <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" /> :D <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>


Because Fergie didn't like him, we all have to follow suit?????
Originally posted by Livvie20:

He gets booed every time he comes here, so you could say it's no wonder he hates us.

When did he ever not give his all for United?

I respect what he did for us.</strong><hr></blockquote>

Towards the end of the 95 season he was shite, he thought he was so much better than everyone else as well :mad:

Now he's a sad shadow of his former self and a sad ABU at a tin-pot Premiership club. Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
Originally posted by barca1999:

Towards the end of the 95 season he was shite, he thought he was so much better than everyone else as well :mad:

Now he's a sad shadow of his former self and a sad ABU at a tin-pot Premiership club. Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

I agree he got a bit above himself but he was still doing a fair job imo.

He wasn't that crap or the move wouldn't have come as such a shock.
Originally posted by Livvie20:

I agree he got a bit above himself but he was still doing a fair job imo.

He wasn't that crap or the move wouldn't have come as such a shock.</strong><hr></blockquote>

no one at the club liked him, altho i've read somewhere that he got along with Giggsy..

he got too big for his boots.. shame cos he was top notch for us.......
Originally posted by Livvie20:

I agree he got a bit above himself but he was still doing a fair job imo.

He wasn't that crap or the move wouldn't have come as such a shock.</strong><hr></blockquote>

I wasn't honestly shocked at all really, or upset about it. I was too busy being upset about Hughes and Kanchelskis leaving. I even wrote Kan Kan a letter begging him to stay (which was pretty stupid as his English was very limited) and he obviously took no notice of it all, gutted :(
Originally posted by barca1999:
I even wrote Kan Kan a letter begging him to stay (which was pretty stupid as his English was very limited) and he obviously took no notice of it all, gutted :( </strong><hr></blockquote>

you werent surprised tho, were you?
Originally posted by Livvie20:

He gets booed every time he comes here, so you could say it's no wonder he hates us.

When did he ever not give his all for United?

I respect what he did for us.</strong><hr></blockquote>

Agreed. One of England's best ever CM.
I don't give a feck what he did for us, when you do what he's done since he left it just does'nt matter, United fans can acknowledge ex players aslong as they don't go out of there way to bad mouth the club or start being a twat about us, Ince has done both
Originally posted by Livvie20:


Because Fergie didn't like him, we all have to follow suit?????</strong><hr></blockquote>

No because he's acting like a cry baby now
Does anyone remember the way he was trying to get Inter to sign Giggs & Cantona.
Dont give that cnut a bit of respect, he could have left utd in a decent fashion like Hughesie, Andy Cole or Sheringham but he had to stir shite before going.
He thought he was better than Keane <img src="graemlins/houllier.gif" border="0" alt="[Houllier]" /> and figured a free role would be perfect for him and wouldnt listen to anyone, like fergie who tried to controll him.
Then he goes to Inter, grand but he couldnt leave it at that but worst of all he joins Pool :mad: . What the fuch does he expect. If he had any bit of Manchester United in him hed never have signed for Pool.
Ince is a kunt who only has imself to Blamb for his welcome next Saturday. I hope the fans give him unnatural grief. <img src="graemlins/keano.gif" border="0" alt="[Keano]" />
Paul Ince is still bitter that he learnt the fact that no player is bigger than the team, the hard way.

The guv'nor my arse - SAF don't take no shit from one, not beckham, yorke and certainly not Ince

His comments just fuel the fire, plus he was the one giving it the barry maguigan (big 'un) when he played for liverpool, remember when he scored against us in the treble season!!! short memory incey ;)
here's an article i've got from 'the terrace':
I don't mind admitting that when he was at Old Trafford, Ince was one of my favourite players. So much so, that in the days when I used to buy the shirt, I had 'INCE 8' plastered on the back of my 1992/93 inaugural Premier League Champions shirt.

When he left for Inter Milan, I was absolutely gutted. I remember my mate showing me a copy of the Manchester Evening News that day, with the headline 'INCE SOLD' plastered on the back. It made for unpleasant reading, and like I say, I was absolutely gutted – yet over the course of time, I understood and now agree that he had to go.

Even so, when he was at Italy, I still kept my eye out for how he was doing. I even felt quite proud when it became apparent that he was doing well. I would eagerly wait for Football Italia to come on so I could hear his latest thoughts on life in Italy, and I used to love it on the odd occasions when he was a Sky Sports pundit and he referred to United as 'us'.

Then he signed for Liverpool.

There were a host of teams interested in him when he announced his intention to return to England, including the likes of Arsenal and Chelsea. But despite this, and despite his connections with United, he chose Liverpool. And when he did that, I could no longer look at him in the same light.

Now Ince has bemoaned the fact that the majority of United fans still can't forgive him for signing for the one team in the country we felt he shouldn't have signed for. He is also misguided when he says, as he has done today, that it is because Sir Alex called him a 'big time Charlie' why he gets stick from us.

The only reason he gets stick, and will not earn a place in our all-time list of popular players, is because he signed for Liverpool. This is not being petty, it's just the way it is. Even Liverpool fans that I know and respect tell me that they could never properly take to him because of his United connections, and to me that is fair enough.

So Ince wants Liverpool to win the title – are we supposed to be bothered? The day when he signed for them was the day when we stopped being bothered about what Paul Ince says and does – it is a shame, but it was his decision.
i used to be his fan too, i've got his name printed on the back of my UTD shirt, i still have it when he left for Inter, but then when he signed for liverpool, i peeled off his name from the shirt(off course i didn't have the heart to scrapted my precious shirt wouldn't i?) <img src="graemlins/nono.gif" border="0" alt="[No No]" /> ;)
Originally posted by Livvie20:

I agree he got a bit above himself but he was still doing a fair job imo.

He wasn't that crap or the move wouldn't have come as such a shock.</strong><hr></blockquote>

SAF rated him very highly in the position he wanted him to play, but thought that he was not taking notice of him and was starting to think that he was becoming far too big for his boots. As for the Paul Ince transfer to Inter, SAF has said that during that episode he felt his job was under threat more than at any other time during his tenure at Old Trafford.

For the benefit of those that haven't read it:

Then was the third and vital need or Paul Ince to make sure that he was always checking the forward runs of either Bakero or Guillermo Amor, leaving Roy Keane to play against the other one. The way Paul was responding to such instructions had been causing me concern. I sensed that he no longer wanted to be the anchorman in midfield, where there was none better at the job. It was clear to me that he now saw himself as an attacking midfield player, which was a hopeless misreading of his strengths. Players who can continually make energy-sapping runs from penalty box to penalty box are rare gems. I had bought Roy Keane to Manchester United because he was one of them, a man whose reserves of stamina put him in the Bryan Robson category. Paul did not have anything like the physical endurance of those two. But to set him in around your back four and there was no quicker or more telling tackler in the game, nobody who could retrieve the ball more effectively when the opposition thought they had made a scoring chance. His strong suit was defending but he refused to embrace that reality. The refusal manifested itself markedly on that unhappy night in Barcelona and, while it would be grossly unfair to apportion overmuch of the blame to Paul, his blurred interpretation of his function did contribute appreciably to our nightmare.<hr></blockquote>


The decision to sell Paul Ince was mine alone and nobody at Old Trafford was inclined to let me forget the fact. There was nothing splendid about my isolation as our supporters reacted angrily to the jettisoning of a player they saw as a vital contributor to our recent success. I agreed wholeheartedly with that assessment but felt I had to act on my conviction that the fundamental change in Paul's attitude, his insistence on trying to assume a role in the team for which he was not equipped, had diminished his usefulness to us to the point where a transfer made absolute sense.<hr></blockquote>


Yet, in spite of it all, I was being branded as Public Enemy Number One for driving him away. I was out on my own, with no hint of support from the corridors of Old Trafford, and the people who keep queueing up for jobs as managers of football clubs should consider the vulnerability I felt then.<hr></blockquote>

So, the fact that Alex disliked him is not true, he held him in high regard for what he wanted him for, and only decided to get rid of him when it was obvious that Paul's attitude was not correct.
I respect all that Incey did while he played for us and was gobsmacked when he was sold. But as with so many of Fergie's more radical moves in the transfer market, hindsight has proved him to be right. Ince's career since (as with Kanchelskis') has shown that they were wrong to have put themselves on the wrong side of Fergie as he was both their making and their undoing.

Ince is however wrong to have a go at the United fans alone and should look at himself to find the cause of former fans ire. He is hardly respected around Upton Park or Anfield either and he will probably manage to piss in the river before leaving the Riverside just to ensure his infamy remains. His problem is that he loves the sound of his own voice and yet he has rarely demonstrated the ability to fully back up his big words, that is the reason Fergie gave him the "Big Time Charlie" nick name due to Ince rattling on in the press about what he and Liverpool would do to United.

His spell on Merseyside has not helped his cause with the OT faithful but it was mainly his forays into the press and his attacks on United that ensured his name was soured for ever with the fans. Denis Law did much more damage to United in his spell with City than Ince could have dreamt of yet he is still revered at Old Trafford and indeed has a shiny new statue to prove it. Ince however loves the sound of his own voice so much that when he isn't making a noise on the field he has to resort to the press and it ain't slagging West Ham or Pool that sells papers to the ABUs so he spouts the same bile again and again.

I still retain my fond memories of Ince the player however doubt he will ever make his peace with the fans. I'm sure he won't miss the opportunity of further press coverage though and fully expect him to turn up for the unveiling of the Paul Ince Memorial Unrinal at OT in the near future. <img src="graemlins/smirk.gif" border="0" alt="[Smirk]" />
Loved him as a United player but Fergie was spot on selling him when he did. Since he left United he has not acted with much dignity.
Originally posted by Suedesi:
<strong>Not even Inter fans like Ince.
Enought said.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I thought they did, so Pool are the only Club that he feels respect him nowadays,
despite him threatening to shoot GH & PT, some fans
He was a complete twat there too, talking crap about the team, the managers and Moratti. Apparently, Inter, was not "ambitious enough" for Ince, so he chose... Liverpool.

'kin idiot.
I`ll never forgive his celebrations when liverpool equalised in their home game in ¬99...remember we were two up , Denis off , Blomquist utterly wrong penalty awarded by the idiot Ellery the Ince scores very very near the end and practically jumps into the crowd , face showing a man who had lost my old son Ince I wont forget your triumphalism then when you were spouting much the same crap as now ...we are well rid of the big headed geriatric ....Do any of our other Greats slag us off , not one
Originally posted by Kilcarman:
<strong>I`ll never forgive his celebrations when liverpool equalised in their home game in ¬99...remember we were two up , Denis off , Blomquist utterly wrong penalty awarded by the idiot Ellery the Ince scores very very near the end and practically jumps into the crowd , face showing a man who had lost my old son Ince I wont forget your triumphalism then when you were spouting much the same crap as now ...we are well rid of the big headed geriatric ....Do any of our other Greats slag us off , not one</strong><hr></blockquote>

Have to agree with that one.. even Law described the GOAL as the worst moment of his career..
To all who are going on Saturday... let's give the whinging git the most torrid time he's EVER had!. <img src="graemlins/keano.gif" border="0" alt="[Keano]" />
Originally posted by Stanley Road:
<strong> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" /> @ The fickle Muppets on here</strong><hr></blockquote>

I was wrong, the West Ham fans do like him <img src="graemlins/smirk.gif" border="0" alt="[Smirk]" />