Party Down


The One and Only
Nov 28, 2006
Has anyone else seen this? It ran for two series a couple of years ago and had a pretty decent cast. It's not that dissimilar to Arrested Development in terms of style though it goes for plenty of Office-esque cringe and it has enough funny moments to be worth a watch.

found it watchable enough with some great moments, even though adam scott and lizzy caplan really annoy me for some reason. was a shame that the one on the right in glee moved on so quickly, the interplay between her and the two on the left of the picture was brilliant. fan of freaks and geeks?
found it watchable enough with some great moments, even though adam scott and lizzy caplan really annoy me for some reason. was a shame that the one on the right in glee moved on so quickly, the interplay between her and the two on the left of the picture was brilliant. fan of freaks and geeks?

Yeah, it was decent. But I only watched it a year or two ago and it hasn't aged brilliantly.
I watched it on Netflix. The first season was a'ight. I think after that Jane whatserface went to Glee
Great show. Adam Scott is brilliant, this, Parks and Eastbound....he nails any role.
Very good cast. Ms. Ron Swanson. Paul Rudd one of the creators. Will check it out.
I'm very into this now. First 2 episodes where just all right. Nothing more. Pilots are pilots and whatever. Then it gets better and better.