Pans Labryinth

Good, bordering on great. I can understand why so many people rate it so highly - fantasy movie made on a relatively low budget, great director, fantastic characters, Solid performances (especially the guy who plays the Captain ... thought he was quite good), did spectacularly badly at the box office because of a limited release .... and has hence had all the makings of a cult classic.
Watch it !!
Just watched it last night and the ending was rather confusing. Not sure whether it was in her head or real or what was going on. It was the chalk door bit that got me as there was no other way out of her room. Top film though that Captain is a bastard but he's hard as nails.
Just watched it last night and the ending was rather confusing. Not sure whether it was in her head or real or what was going on. It was the chalk door bit that got me as there was no other way out of her room. Top film though that Captain is a bastard but he's hard as nails.

probably the point...!!