

It might be the best game ever to be honest, that or something like Tetris. They have stood the test of time.
I still have the Amiga version - Pacmania.


It was one of the first games to use the overscan mode, so the game filled the whole screen without borders around the outside.

Looks like Pacman on Lego.

Tetris for me. Addictive and playable in 10 minute bursts or for hours on end.
fecking hell Weaste i remember that bad boy! You could jump and everything.

My Dad built a special controller just for this game. I say special it was a black box with one button and a joystick coming out of it, but it did the job.

If i remember there was an ice level, and one that had big gaps that you could fall down.
Thanks Weaste, a stark reminder of why I wanted an Amiga. My parents wouldn't shell out for one which saddened me greatly.
Here's the arcade version.

You can notice, the colour definition is much greater, but they used this weird screen mode.

Ah it seemed so amazing back in the day! I thought it was way too quick as well! The only other arcade games i were obsessed with were Golden Axe, Toki the monkey and some game which was like a silhouette and the more your spider webs formed without being broken by oncoming missiles. Then the more of the silhouette that was revealed and it began with tennents lager girls kind of pictures and worked its way up to page 3 stuff. I remember playing that game like crazy
Ah it seemed so amazing back in the day! I thought it was way too quick as well!

It was good, you didn't have borders, think of it as a widescreen TV turned on its side - you didn't get the borders - it was full screen. Obviously, people didn't have wide screen CRTs in the house at the time, and were less likely to turn them on their side to play a game - those CRTs existed though, but were very expensive. Specialist DTP systems used them - A4 screens, and were used in newspaper offices because they fit the aspect of a newspaper. ;) The Atari ST version kept that aspect ratio, because it wasn't capable of doing the game full screen on the 4:3 TVs everyone had then, so they stuck a massive status bar to the side.

I suppose the reason they did that for the Arcade version is that the designers thought that the view in the vertical helped more than in the horizontal.
Link to the Past is still probably up there as my favourite game of all time. Which is uite good considering what it's been up against since.

Orcarina of Time may just beat it, but it's between those two for me personally. There aren't many modern games i could say the same for. Shadows of the Collosus is probably the only game of recent years that comes close to be my favourite.