The greatest game ever?
Yes, yes it is.
Yes, yes it is.
Legend of Zelda: Link to the past
Super Nintendo
For me, the best game ever.
I still have the Amiga version - Pacmania.
It was one of the first games to use the overscan mode, so the game filled the whole screen without borders around the outside.
Looks like Pacman on Lego.
It had quite a few different style levels.
Looks quite good. I didn't have the pleasure of owning an Amiga. I went straight from a Commodore 64 to a console.
I still have the Amiga version - Pacmania.
It was one of the first games to use the overscan mode, so the game filled the whole screen without borders around the outside.
feck yeah! i remember playing this in the Arcades back in 1989!!!
Thanks Weaste, a stark reminder of why I wanted an Amiga. My parents wouldn't shell out for one which saddened me greatly.
Here's the arcade version.
You can notice, the colour definition is much greater, but they used this weird screen mode.
Ah it seemed so amazing back in the day! I thought it was way too quick as well!
Here's the Atari ST version.