

Full Member
Sep 11, 2008
Limassol, CY (Formerly West London, UK)
Done a search, it doesn't appear to have its own thread.

Decent TV show. It's a bit rough around the edges and the acting isn't particularly brilliant (Hazlewood's inability to pull off the accent is hilarious/tragic simultaneously) but it's still worth watching I've found.

This weeks' episode in particular was really good, I actually chuckled about three times and I suffer from "can't laugh at a computer screen" syndrome, like most of you. :D

I love it. Watched every episode and currently watching yesterday's episode. It has however, not been as funny as it was before it's break but I still enjoy it :D
The scene at the end where he throws him off his chair :lol:
I fecking love this one.

At first thought would hate it but its awesome.

Don't care about the acting/direction/script etc.

Its just fun.

Don't understand why they canceled it after just one season?

And yeah Rebecca and Pippa .....yum.
Too be honest it was okay, but not great, plus NBC has been having a lot of problems recently, all of their comedies are failing.

I enjoyed it, more so because I am Indian.