

New Member
Aug 4, 2007
In my humble opinion the best modern hip/hop group what talent. Andre3000, the inventive soul, Big Boi the speed rapper a match made in Heaven.

In my humble opinion the best modern hip/hop group what talent. Andre3000, the inventive soul, Big Boi the speed rapper a match made in Heaven.

Agreed. I always respect artists who are prepared to step away from the norm and do their own thing. Outkast have always maintained their originality and have produced consistently good albums for years. Although I haven't heard their last album, how is it?
That's the uh, soundtrack thing...Idlewild.

There are some good songs but a lot of it is more in tune with the movie's genre.

Top tracks from Idlewild are Mighty O, Morris Brown, Hollywood Divorce and Life is a musical. I didn't like a lot of the rest of the record but still think that Outkast are the awesome. My favourite group for certain and Stankonia is one oof my favourite recrods of all time.
Outkast are excellent, but there is WAY WAY better stuff out there. Check Hectic's Hip-Hop thread for the proof