Our First Performance


New Member
Oct 9, 2009
In a land far far away....playing Fifa
Hey all. This is a performance of me and some friends. It was our first outing so the timing got a bit off but this vid shows a little of what we can do. Hope you enjoy it. For those interested, I'm on the guy on the keyboard. We were missing a couple members of our band so after the first song we just played the rest by ear and improv'd. kind of ridiculous.

I liked the jam session overall. It kind of went in a jazzy direction towards the end.

Few gripes. Maybe it's my headphones, but I couldn't hear the bass player (if there was any). Also, your drummer is too fecking flashy. He's not the lead, he's a backing player, so why is he using 5 cymbals at a time? A smiple downbeat would have sufficed for most of those melodies.

I just started learning bass, so I'm not at the jamming stage yet, maybe when I get there we could link up for a Redcafe live session :D
sounds good adex. so here was the situation. we were asked to play in a show. the drumset we use, someone damaged the snare head so that's not our drumset that you see on stage. about the bass player, i couldn hear him that well either. Not sure if you could tell but i was pissed because in the sound check it sounded fine. Not sure what the tech guy was doing but it detracted from our performance.

our drummer has the most experience out of all of us so last night he had to carry it a bit because our bass player has never performed before. we're getting more opportunities to play and i think that over time we'll become more balanced. Like i said earlier, it was our first outing. it can only get better from here.

and adex, i'm all for jamming. it's how i stay sane being in college
If you want my advice cut one of your drummers arms off.

The thing about drumming is less is often more.
Yeah, it does feel like you're all there to back the drummer, but that's not a criticism, its probably more a case of having the sound output more balanced to bring the other instruments to the forefront a bit more.

Nice feel to it though, I'm sure you'll refine the balance with experience, I have the up-most respect for music makers, it requires so much discipline and dedication... keep it up

Put it like this, I kept it playing while I was typing this reply, if it had of been an assault on my ears I'd have turned it off
thanks for the comments guys. it's a weird thing for me because im not sure how to gauge the reaction of the audience. everyone thought we were really good and i cant tell if that's because of the extra stuff our drummer did or just our overall blend. i dont really mind him doing his thing but do you all feel it really detracts from our performance? if so, i'll consider mentioning it to him
A good drummer can either make or break a performance, and thats not a comment on his ability, he's clearly a capable drummer but for me he's way too busy.

A drummer should be like a conductor, they should judge the mood of the tune and guide the other musicians, I might be being harsh but this guy seems too obsessed with showing how good he is, thats fine technically but from the perspective of a band it can detract from the overall performance. I'd start by taking away at least one of those cymbals and getting him to calm down a bit.

Right now his drumming gives the impression that he's performing as an individual rather than a member, he seems to be a hard hitter aswell which might be better suited to a different style of music.
A good drummer can either make or break a performance, and thats not a comment on his ability, he's clearly a capable drummer but for me he's way too busy.

A drummer should be like a conductor, they should judge the mood of the tune and guide the other musicians, I might be being harsh but this guy seems too obsessed with showing how good he is, thats fine technically but from the perspective of a band it can detract from the overall performance. I'd start by taking away at least one of those cymbals and getting him to calm down a bit.

Right now his drumming gives the impression that he's performing as an individual rather than a member, he seems to be a hard hitter aswell which might be better suited to a different style of music.

maybe this will give you some better background about him. he's someone that plays by ear. He's also in 2 other bands. One of which he says the drummers go crazy and i feel that has an impact on him. I think once we get a singer up there he'll calm down. He just loves to jam and i can assure you that he's not someone that's all about him. He just enjoys having a good time and does get carried away on occasion. I have mentioned it to him and i think it's a tendency he has.

I appreciate the input though. Hopefully when we perform on the 24th we'll be a lot better. There's a lot of talent in our group but if we dont get the right blend it will mean nought.
Looking forward to the next one mate, where are you based?
that's not his drumset though. we were using another band's because the one we were supposed to use, someone damaged the snare head. :nono:

Doesn't make any difference who's set it was, brushes are only as big as sticks and presumably your drummer brought his own or is capable of bringing his own to a gig.
Here are some recent videos from our jam session. Dont mind my friends rappin. In other words, they're bullspittin. I know they're not being very clear with their words either. I guess just enjoy the background music if you dont fancy their rappin. Once again, I'm on the keyboard. Cheers

Here are some recent videos from our jam session. Dont mind my friends rappin. In other words, they're bullspittin. I know they're not being very clear with their words either. I guess just enjoy the background music if you dont fancy their rappin. Once again, I'm on the keyboard. Cheers

I like it. Should be taken into consideration that YouTube quality isn't great and all.
