"Oops! We ran into some problems"


Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
For the past few days, almost every time I post in a thread, a message pops up and says "Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console."

This is usually when using Opera browser on Android. I updated it to see if that made a difference, but it didn't.

Using Chrome I haven't had the same problem, but I hate using Chrome as it make the Internet look like I'm viewing it through pages of the Argos catalogue with occasional holes cut out here and there to let me glimpse small shards of the actual content I'm trying to look at.
I’ve had this a few times too, when trying to quote and reply to posts.

I’m on Safari on iOS.
I vaguely remember i had a similar problem. Try deleting just the red cafe cookie if that is possible. delete it and re log in.
Had it once yesterday, refreshing the page seemed to fix the issue
Happens to me too only when I'm quoting someone.
Yea definitely seems to be related to quoting, and it’s happening more and more frequently.
On DuckDuckGo phone browser. Can't post if I quote. No problems on Chrome on PC.
Hopefully that’s fixed now. Let me know if you still see errors when quoting posts.
I have this issue and the greyed out formatting box regularly, no matter how many times I override it.

Is there a solution other than Chrome? Using Internet for Samsung
Hopefully that’s fixed now. Let me know if you still see errors when quoting posts.
Using Google Chrome on Asus Chromebook after looking at a few posts I'll be told that I don't have permission for that page. Worked ok on Incognito window but after a while happening there too. Hopefully this post will make it through!