Old Stratagy games.


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
Fancy playing some today until the wife gets home at 5.

Preferably older ones with low storage thus quicker to dload.

I was thinking something like populous 2, but not.

Links/ideas would be appreciated.
Command & Conquer Generals.
Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour.

Used to anihilate those game online in 2v2's. What a brilliant game.

Me and my bro, he would be U.S airforce or a slow tech up, whilst I spammed gat cannons with GLA, sneaked tunnels into their base and went for the early rape.(whilst he tech'd up and airstriked the feck out of them.)

Happy days.

civilization II

Both amazing games.

Unfortionatley the last time I dloaded this type of game, it was Civilization. Think it was one of the newer ones. Thought it was a terrific game.

As for Transport Tycoon, that's even better. Absolutley fantastic game, unfortionatley I've played it to death, and find that once you start making a little profit, it gets to easy to quickly.

I'm well into tycoon games though, but have the latest RTC installed already(which I never play.)

Any other suggestions?
Age Of Empires 1, 2 and Expansions.

Pharaoh is amazing, definately the one I would reccomend right now. In fact I'm going to download it now and play it tonight.
The Settlers 1

Might look into this one.

Champ Man 97/98

Whilst I still find 97-00 the best CM games, I don't really have the time for them. I remember Pires being an absolute beast in this game, was he at Juve at the time?

Age Of Empires 1, 2 and Expansions.

Pharaoh is amazing, definately the one I would reccomend right now. In fact I'm going to download it now and play it tonight.

Do love the AoE series, just find the old ones a bit one dimensional against the computer on the only mode I'd be playing, 'skirmish', or whatever.
That's funny, I was just playing Age of Mythology. Great game. After that I think I'll play the original Empire Earth, another fantastic game.

Maybe I'll do Alpha Centauri after that.
Used to anihilate those game online in 2v2's. What a brilliant game.

Me and my bro, he would be U.S airforce or a slow tech up, whilst I spammed gat cannons with GLA, sneaked tunnels into their base and went for the early rape.(whilst he tech'd up and airstriked the feck out of them.)

Happy days.

I was the USA laser general with my lasers in a massive line all across my Borders. No cnut was getting to my base. Then I'd build shitloads of troops tanks and helis, fly the chinooks to a corner of their level and set them down and unload my troops, set my armada of tanks off, then I'd have te troops attack one side and my vehicles the other and send in the aurora bombers. Epic game.