Ok go


Oppressed White Male
Aug 25, 2008
Quality videos they do with their songs. For anyone who hasnt seen the "Original" which got them fairly internet-famous

and then the more recent version (which is apparently all legit and took 60 takes)

anyone got any others of theirs worth a mention?
i hadnt seen that vid for this too shall pass before, id only seen this one

here is the vid for WTF

The Rube Goldberg machine in the This Too Shall Pass video actually worked three times start to end. The video shown is actually a cut of two of those complete runs, but it's really hard to tell. The cuts were made because one of the shots simply looked better, but not because the runs didn't complete. Took about 20 designers and a whole bunch more staff members to make it all work. A lot of work went into simply resetting everything after a failed take.

Source: Buzz Out Loud Podcast 1179: The guy who makes OK Go go | Buzz Out Loud Podcast - CNET Blogs