NTFS on the PS3?


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
Can anybody (Weaste) tell me if there is a way of getting the PS3 to read an external HDD which is formatted in NTFS?

My mate has an external drive but due to the 4Gb max file size of FAT32 he has to break some films into 2 or even 3 parts. This could obviously be solved by using NTFS but it seems this would then render the drive useless as far as plugging it into his PS3 is concerned?

So; is there a way around this to allow the HDD to store files over 4Gb to be read by the PS3?
On a non-jailbroken PS3, it's not possible, I don't even think it's been done for the jailbreaks yet either. It does however support files > 4GB on its internal HDD, and the only ways I know of to transfer files > 4GB to the internal drive are either through copying off a BD or over the network through a media server.
Cheers Weaste, will look in to the media server option.

Is Sony's reluctance to allow NTFS based on it being an MS format?

Edit: cheers snooty too!
PS3 Media Server is worth doing, or if you have the funds purchase a PogoPlug - Then you are laughing.
I haven't used mine with the PS3 or 360 yet, but all reports I've read are that it's fantastic.

I have it connected to my router, and transferring files across computers using the Pogoplug wirelessly - as long as I'm at home, or on the same network - is amazingly fast. It's obviously a lot slower when say one of my friends is adding something to the Pogoplug as they are miles away, but it's still worthwhile. However, I only really use it for the first example, so it's perfect.
So if I had one at home connected to my router, and I went round to my mate's place, he could stream a film onto his PS3 from my HDD via the PogoPlug, but could he also download the entire file onto his PS3 if he so wished?
Yes, to both questions. I have mine connected to my router now in Milton Keynes.

I could give you access to my Pogoplug, from which you can view files, stream or download, the same applies to the 360 or PS3.

Furthermore, I could give you access, and then if I wanted grant you access to upload to my Pogoplug. In essence, this is what I brought it for, so that all my friends/family can update it from wherever they are in the World at anytime they please. Meaning I have to do very little to receive new stuff, it's on a sort of give and take basis.
OK, last question, as a salesman for PogoPlug, how much commission do you get if I buy one? :lol:

Seriously though, that's ace, I will likely get one of them.

I have a couple threads about it in the general too, really is something very clever and useful.

If you do, I recommend buying the business edition, it's more expensive but has more options, as well as more customizable. I have the normal edition though and for the price, it's still very good.
It'll probably be new year before I look at buying one so I'll weigh it all up then.

Nice one for mentioning it though, it sounds incredibly handy.
Right Weastie, I've got myself an external HDD, but it is formatted in NTFS, and when I try to reformat it there is no option for FAT32 to allow me to plug it into the PS3, how do I go about changing the format?!

I'm a bit of a tech retard as you can tell! :)