No Ordinary Family


Ripped :'(
Apr 22, 2008
Starring Michael Chikilis and Rita from Dexter.

Anyone watched it last night?
Just finished watching it. Was quite good. Could go anyway..a show dealing with family and stuff or could go down the superhero path.
Saw it earlier today too. Really enjoyed it. I don't know any of the cast members but I heard the main guy was a really good actor, which I completely agree with. He's got Tim Roth's ability to never look like an actor, just the character he's portraying. Everything he does is believable.
2nd episode was good as well but the end began to seem a bit like Heroes. Hope it does not go down that path.
Enjoyed this episode as well. Some of the shots with Mackey and George are pretty funny :lol:
Decent episode, still really watchable. About 20 minutes in I was on a downer thinking it was a 30 minute show. When I checked and saw it was 40+ minutes (hour long show) I can't tell you how happy I was, it was so pathetic :lol:

I dislike the Mum's character, I get the feeling we're supposed to. I'm a tad hopeful that the show doesn't focus too much on the depressing side of things. I like that they're showing the difficulty that superheroes have to go through, especially as a family, but there's so much positivity in the storyline that they really don't need to go down anything particularly negative.
I love the show but I'm around 3 episodes behind. How good have the last 3 epis been?
Can't remember the first one (the next one you're about to watch) but the latest two have been class. I'd say this is currently my second favourite TV show, behind House. It's brilliantly written and the acting's class.
Shall download episode 1 on the back of you guys recommendations. If it's shit I'll kick each one of you in the cnut.
The show is solid, was about 3 episodes behind myself. So saw this bumped and have been catching up. Just the same really, good but doesnt blow you away. Hopefully they're just building up for something brilliant
Up to episode 12. Really liking it. They could have easily gone down the Heroes route but luckily their keeping it more realistic than that.
This show is somewhere between average and absolutely woeful at varying times.
Gotta say I saw the 1st few episodes and thought it was gash.



Compared to Heroes anything is realistic ;)

But I like the fact that they keep the focus on the family and other issues besides ONLY focusing on their superpowers and making it a super hero show.
There are times its hard to watch, yeah. Like the spoon feeding in the most recent episode, where the shapeshift girl had to, for no apparent reason, shift back to her normal form after every time she impersonated someone. Just so you never wondered or had to work it out yourself whether it was her or not. Also part at the end when she was on the floor :lol:

This stuff really lets it down, which is a shame because its mostly a good cast and nowhere near as bad a story as heroes.
I thought Rita was a rubbish actress in Dexter and she is equally poor in this. Her lab assistant is beyond terrible though.
I thought Rita was a rubbish actress in Dexter and she is equally poor in this. Her lab assistant is beyond terrible though.

I can't tell if you're joking or not, dammit Biscuit.

Anyway, I thought today's episode was another good one. I liked:

- How JJ could tell when Daphne tried to plant a thought in his mind, it's interesting how they're all finding out about new powers and new immunities they have and how they all interlink. When Daphne first got her newest power I couldn't see how the writers were going to peg it back, given that it appeared to be the strongest power of the show yet.

- The shapeshifter finally dying. I hate English accents on American TV. It's like they have this view of how we all sound and every single English person on their TV has to fit to that stereotype. In some cases I'm sure the English actors and actresses must be falsifying their accent just as much as if they were taking on any foreign one.

- How the plot is developing without any of the stupid hooks TV usually creates. Big breakthroughs in the storyline are being made every episode.

- How Daphne's got an edge about her which seems to imply that she's capable of becoming evil.

On the other hand though, I disliked:

- How the shapeshifter changed from being dead Jim to her normal form right on cue. Surely there was a better way to solve that? Have her change instantly upon death and scrap the stupid opening if you have to.

- How Daphne's powers seem to be growing exponentially compared to the others. She can hear thoughts, see them through contact and now alter them through her speech. I think they're trying to show she's got a powerful ability and that she's edgy because of it but they're heaping way to much onto her because of it. I thought that Stephanie was going to be able to run so fast she could go back in time from the opening of the episode simply because of how powerful Daphne's becoming.

- How Natalie appears to be a bottomless pit of weird stuff. JJ, she's a weirdo, move on man - it's not worth it. A pretty face isn't all there is to life.

- Why the writers chose to get Jim to tell the kids to go upstairs when he knew they were in danger. Seeing as he can communicate with his daughter without talking you'd have thought he'd have used the whole "3 superpowers on 1 normal power, talking without actually talking and out-thinking the enemy" thing to full advantage. I understand that the writers don't want this to become The Incredibles but if JJ can team up with Daphne frequently, as can Jim and Stephanie, why can't the entire family work together? Especially when it's clearly in their best interest to do so.

All that said, I'm loving the show.