- How the shapeshifter changed from being dead Jim to her normal form right on cue. Surely there was a better way to solve that? Have her change instantly upon death and scrap the stupid opening if you have to.
- How Daphne's powers seem to be growing exponentially compared to the others. She can hear thoughts, see them through contact and now alter them through her speech. I think they're trying to show she's got a powerful ability and that she's edgy because of it but they're heaping way to much onto her because of it. I thought that Stephanie was going to be able to run so fast she could go back in time from the opening of the episode simply because of how powerful Daphne's becoming.
- How Natalie appears to be a bottomless pit of weird stuff. JJ, she's a weirdo, move on man - it's not worth it. A pretty face isn't all there is to life.
- Why the writers chose to get Jim to tell the kids to go upstairs when he knew they were in danger. Seeing as he can communicate with his daughter without talking you'd have thought he'd have used the whole "3 superpowers on 1 normal power, talking without actually talking and out-thinking the enemy" thing to full advantage. I understand that the writers don't want this to become The Incredibles but if JJ can team up with Daphne frequently, as can Jim and Stephanie, why can't the entire family work together? Especially when it's clearly in their best interest to do so.