No Country for Old Men


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Saw it last night, absolutely brilliant. Javier Bardem is the creepiest villain I've seen for a long time.

Many were upset by the ending, but I thought it was fine.
I didn't enjoy the ending. Thought the first hour was brilliant but it didn't live up to the build up. Anticlimactic.
Agreed....the ending was a bit of a letdown. Felt quite abrupt too, but I think other than that the movie was really good.
The Coen Brothers - a guarantee of either lots of weird fun but certainly quality.
Can't wait to see it.

My Coen Bros. top list is: 1)The Hudsucker Proxy 2)The Big Lebowski 3)Miller's Crossing 4)Barton Fink 5)Fargo 6)O'Brother Where Art Thou

all great movies and they're all going to be in my top 100, probably

hopefully No Country for Old Men will join them.
Courmac McCarthy, the author, also has a few other good reads out there as well
My favourite actor...he's just way too good to be compared with the kind of riff raff thats there.Bale, maybe...but thats about it.