NHL 12 Freezing Issue...


Full Member
Jan 18, 2004
So I have NHL 12 for the XBox and every time I finish a game and exit to the main screen it freezes. I disconnected my network adapter and that solved the problem.

However, like all EASports titles not being connected to the net poses a few issues if you want to play online.

Anyone know of a fix?
I also had freezing issues with NHL 12 on PS3. Removing Black Ops gamedata from HD almost removed all the freezing though.... I swear EA Sports never test their games.
I also had freezing issues with NHL 12 on PS3. Removing Black Ops gamedata from HD almost removed all the freezing though.... I swear EA Sports never test their games.

I fail to see the connection between Black Ops and NHL...
I fail to see the connection between Black Ops and NHL...

Neither did I, someone mentioned it on a forum so I tried it and most of my freezing went away. Looked around a bit about freezing on 360 not seen any solutions though. Have you tried clearing system cache and gamedata?
Neither did I, someone mentioned it on a forum so I tried it and most of my freezing went away. Looked around a bit about freezing on 360 not seen any solutions though. Have you tried clearing system cache and gamedata?

Does the 360 even have a deletable cache?

I deleted the save files - I guess I could delete all the game data.
NHL despite their best reviewed game except for Fifa is the series they least care about. They never fix shit.