Hmmm. Interesting. I can only imagine it's summat to do with the whole Andy Carroll incident.
Carroll broke his jaw, the club did nothing about it, Taylor wasn't happy.What did happen with himself and Carroll?
He's a good young defender, wouldn't be surprised to see him go to Liverpool. Don't know why i can just see them going for him.
sky is saying that money is the problem.
Newcastle say he has been offered 40 grand a week for 4 years , but Taylor wants 60+
Greedy twat! Can't manage on £40,000 a week for the next 4 years?
Good riddance.
Taylor has the raw tools but lacks composure in a big way something that I reckon will come with Smalling. Taylor can also be very rash in the tackle. Not for us in a million years.
Greedy twat! Can't manage on £40,000 a week for the next 4 years?
Good riddance.
I personally don't think he's good enough for a top 4 club.
Yep, typical blood and thunder style English defender that the tabloids and the uneducated seem to praise above all else. Part of the reason that this country is so backwards about producing footballers with the potential to shine at the very highest level.
He reminds me of John Terry - and thats never a good sign.
Greedy twat! Can't manage on £40,000 a week for the next 4 years?
Good riddance.
I'll always remember him for this though
I like him. Very brave and committed defender. Will always throw his head or body on the line, and i've seen him complete matches when he's been barely able to stand for the good of his team. (most notably the epic U21 euro semi final match against Holland where he scored a penalty virtually on one leg)
Maybe not the most gifted on the ball, but he's a defender first and foremost who's job is to protect his goal, and he does this pretty well.
Would be a decent signing for any side outside the top 4. Obviously i include Liverpool when i say that.
He'd be a great buy for someone like Everton or Fulham.
It is, if you're talking solely about defending
Same could be said about morethan a few at United
Greedy twat! Can't manage on £40,000 a week for the next 4 years?
Good riddance.
Greedy twat! Can't manage on £40,000 a week for the next 4 years?
Good riddance.