New Super Mario Bros. Wii


Full Member
Jan 18, 2004
I quite like it.

A throwback to the old style of games. It's a good party game as well.

Here are my issues:

1. Why did they charge full price for a remake?

2. Did Nintendo fire all their creative talent? This was their big holiday release. Since the release of the Wii, the big N has stood for the big nothing. All we get are remakes or shovelware. Neither of which I care for. Probably why I had to resync and charge the wii motes after sitting idle since the release Mario Galaxy?

Anyway, I know several things are going to happen after posting this.

First, I'm going to get told off for owning a wii. Answer: It looked fun at the time and I do enjoy Mario and Zelda.

Second, buy an xbox/ps3. Answer: I have an xbox.

Third, are you drunk? Answer: Yes.

It's great fun :)

It's not a remake though.

Should have got a PS3. Sorry, I don't think that, but it was probably coming a few posts down.

True that it isn't a remake. It's very, very close to the originals and probably took half the 'creative talent' that say, Mass Effect, or Uncharted took to develop. If you want to stick to Nintendo comparisons than compare it to Super Mario Galaxy, or Zelda.

As for the PS3 comment........pipe down:lol::lol:
I got this for Xmas, not played it yet as im still at my folks house. I have a Wii though it only get played occasionally.

Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort are good. Mario Galaxy was amazing.

Looking forward to playing New SMB Wii as i loved the DS Version and the early Mario games.