New football anime series...


Nostrodamus of football
Jan 8, 2002
... with a shite name called Giant Killing, or as the japanese say, Gianto Kiellingu.
Quite a good one, story is about an ex-star player who 'betrayed' his club to go to Europe and comes back years later to manage that very same, now rubbish team, he left.
Que trouble with supporters who see him as a betrayer, players who don't get his extravagant training methods, etc etc. Give it a try.

I hate torrents by the way.

EDIT: name changed
Anime is cool. What sub group is doing this Kevin?
Oh made a mistake, it's name is Giant Killing.

PMs sent. To talk about today's beautiful weather.
using my nokia to browse atm, i'll send u a pm when i get back home. If anyone else wants to talk about our final match of the season, i,ll be happy to pm you.

The first ep is a bit cheesy with some old english-ish man talking ridiculous english. Will get better later on.
Cheers for the heads up. Just finished watching 5 episodes of it. Is #5 the latest episode?

Wan: yes, it's the latest ep. How you guys liking it?
We all love the underdogs.

So far so good. Love the graphics and colours of the whole thing. Like the realism as well. And instead of focusing on the players, it's nice to be able to view the coaching side of the game.

'Fantasista' the manga have that real feel as well. Check it out.
We all love the underdogs.

So far so good. Love the graphics and colours of the whole thing. Like the realism as well. And instead of focusing on the players, it's nice to be able to view the coaching side of the game.

'Fantasista' the manga have that real feel as well. Check it out.

Yeah I've read that a couple of years ago :D

Ended too abruptly though, I was waiting for the rest of his career to unfold :(
Just finished watching the first 5 episodes. Good fun.
You're all gay.

The Hurricanes was much better.

She's inherited a team in the World Soccer League!!...Hooray!
Guys, have you watched 'summer wars'? It's a very good anime movie, do a search in you know where.