Never watched 24 - Should I buy the DVD set?

42 euros

Aka Giggs 11 times
Feb 10, 2009
I missed the very start of 24 and have always meant to buy a dvd set. See the adverts and it always looks like a damn good show. As I believe it is finishing (or finished) would you guys recommend buying the whole set? Or should I play safe and buy the 1st series only to start with?

I'm a sad fan of lost who enjoyed the last episode but was ultimately very disappointed with the end. Also a big fan of the sopranos but have never got over the end of that one either...

I've started a new thread as I didn't want to read spoilers in the other threads which probaly means I'll get spoilers in this one now :(
Just buy the first season and see how you feel. I'd imagine the whole set is pretty expensive.
I'd say get the first two (as in buy not download, because that wouldn't be fair on Keifer). If you find yourself massively uncontrollably hooked, buy the entire boxset.
I missed the very start of 24 and have always meant to buy a dvd set. See the adverts and it always looks like a damn good show. As I believe it is finishing (or finished) would you guys recommend buying the whole set? Or should I play safe and buy the 1st series only to start with?

I'm a sad fan of lost who enjoyed the last episode but was ultimately very disappointed with the end. Also a big fan of the sopranos but have never got over the end of that one either...

I've started a new thread as I didn't want to read spoilers in the other threads which probaly means I'll get spoilers in this one now :(

The first two seasons are rather tame compared to the later ones, but they provide a backdrop story of who's who. Season 3 is really where it picks up (my favorite) in terms of action, betrayal, torture, etc.

I highly recommend it.
You can get the whole 8 days for around 60 quid in many part of Asia.
To me, it is a good show only to be watched once in a lifetime. If you have seen the same episode more than once, then there is something seriously wrong with you.
I liked the whole show in general, but some parts were just unbearable.
I know in seasons 1 and 2 they wanted to show that Kim Bauer was just a teenager who made mistakes, but some of the plots they gave her were just stupid. I really watched most of it online and when it got to any part just Kim in it, I will forward it.
In one of the episode, they managed to have a lion chasing her, some hermit taking her, acting like he was some pyscho and just shit acting really. Jack did not deserve that.
It gets tedious 3 episodes into season 2. I also find I don't like wathcing it one after the other on dvd and it works much better as a time premise wathing it weekly on telly. Seeing them so close to each other makes you realise how ridiculous it is.
I really liked season 1 and 2, but got stuck in season 3. Also I think watching them back to back is much better than having advert breaks or week breaks.
If you don't mind stupid plot holes then yes, go ahead. The first half of each season is usually very good and fun to watch. It's near the end it starts to fall apart.
I missed the very start of 24 and have always meant to buy a dvd set. See the adverts and it always looks like a damn good show. As I believe it is finishing (or finished) would you guys recommend buying the whole set? Or should I play safe and buy the 1st series only to start with?

I'm a sad fan of lost who enjoyed the last episode but was ultimately very disappointed with the end. Also a big fan of the sopranos but have never got over the end of that one either...

I've started a new thread as I didn't want to read spoilers in the other threads which probaly means I'll get spoilers in this one now :(

First season is good, the rest are tired and boring.
a few seasons are weaker than others but overall its a good show. Once you're hooked its hard to walk away from
It gets tedious 3 episodes into season 2. I also find I don't like wathcing it one after the other on dvd and it works much better as a time premise wathing it weekly on telly. Seeing them so close to each other makes you realise how ridiculous it is.

That's exactly how I felt about it. I thought the first season was great, then I got really bored around episode 4 of season 2 and I stopped watching it.

I think you may well be right about the time spacing thing too. It's awfully samey when you watch episodes back to back. Get it for free from the net, it's not worth spending the money on.