Originally posted by Kinky Melinky:
<strong>Was talking to a friend the other night who's father is best friends with someone within Old Trafford. He get's brilliant seats anytime he wants.
Aside from that, he was telling me that a deal of 26m has already been agreed for Nesta, and this is why united have come out openly and admitted they will "try" to buy him. His purchase will be unvieled after the World Cup.
It certainly makes somewhat sense to me because if United weren't sure that they'd get him, there would be no point in openly admitting they were going to try and get him. In fact it would be more detrimental because if they were pipped to the post they would look very weak - for a team rated in the top 5 in the world.
This isn't paper talk, it's coming from a source within OT</strong><hr></blockquote>
greetings jedi....absolutely wonderful news this, IF it's true....believe it will jedi master when Nesta stands beside grand master Ferguson with a United scarf and jersey & parades the World Cup at OT

must admit jedi master thought it would be thuram and rio ferdinand....also nesta for 26mil, steal it is jedi master reckons, hmmmmm......the force is strong with this one.....