
thats the gayest username ever weaste, i think some time in the newbies is in order for you.
SmashedHombre said:
thats the gayest username ever weaste, i think some time in the newbies is in order for you.
can i change my name for ... ? NO, i`m not going to say it. Rossi19 and his accomplices might do it, cause they are a bunch of mean muthafecka :mad:
Plechazunga said:
Weaste changing his name to Nemesis is the most spastic thing that's happened all day, including me nearly falling down the stairs, after tripping on my sister's pussy

Is there any chance I could trip over your sister`s pussy?
jasonrh said:
I was at asfdafñljaf adf x:mad: last week.

I got the t shirt, and a little asfdafñljaf shaped pepper shaker.
that's tacky. Next time just buy the "i`ve been in asfdafñljaf and all i bought is this fecking apron" apron
Barbara Charles said:
One can only wonder what your sister was doing lying backwards on the staircase, spread eagle.


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