Neil Cuntis at it again

What is that guy's problem.

He constantly elaborates and expands utd stories any way he wants to.
I always thought he was a Man United fan but after watching Premiership years on Bravo last week it seems he's actually a Geordie fan.

Parks Life said:
I always thought he was a Man United fan but after watching Premiership years on Bravo last week it seems he's actually a Geordie fan.


Very strange answer...Maybe it's just me?
He was brought in to report on United after the previous journalist for the Sun, Peter Fitton, refused to write a negative story about a United player in 1999 and resigned. So he probably wanted to make sure he could write as many negative stories about United as he possibly could.
He's certainly done that.

He is a prize cnut.
That's what he's paid to do, it's what the majority of the country wants to read.
Sad thing is, he might be a decent journalist really, just one with no morals, stuck in a well paid job, writing bollocks that only idiots would believe. Perfect job if you ask me, I find his sheer disregard of reality highly amusing.