Need help with wireless router (PS3-related)


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
Currently im using an 02 wireless router and been trying to get my PS3 connected. It connects fine via a wired ethernet connection but I have problems when trying to connect wirelessly. The thing is when scanning for an access point it doesnt find my router - when I checked my router it turns out that the "wireless" icon on my router is infact orange as opposed to green.

How do I fix this? I really need the ethernet connection saved for my 360.


Trying to set up a wireless router at uni.

It's a Netgear DG834. I used it at home but bought it with me. When I type in the default access address into my browser it can't find the page. Any suggestions?

Trying to set up a wireless router at uni.

It's a Netgear DG834. I used it at home but bought it with me. When I type in the default access address into my browser it can't find the page. Any suggestions?

Is the wireless router connected to the device?

I recall when setting mine up I had a similar problem and the tech explained to me that the default address exists only withing the wireless router.
I have my wireless router plugged into the wall with one ethernet cable, then another ethernet cable coming from the router to my laptop.

Surely the only way you can access the default address is through a device plugged in though?
It's odd that it isn't finding your router. Do you have the 2nd generation of the o2 wireless box?

The Orange light would suggest to me that you've got WEP encryption on there, it should turn to green once you change the settings to WPA encryption on your wifi pass.

If it's still not finding it, then hold down the wireless button on the front panel of the device for 5 seconds, the light should turn to red (and then alternate with the amber/green). Whilst this is flashing your PS3 should be able to see the router and connect, its basically the router allowing only certain mac addresses to connect to it.
I'm running Windows 7 and the network settings all look different, but it says it has no internet connection.

On the router itself, the orange internet light doesn't light up either. When searching I can find the network and connect, it just has not internet connection.
Can anyone answer me why my wireless internet is rubbish and constantly crashes whilst my PC which is connected via an ethernet cable is fine most of the times?

There are two laptops and a mobile phone, (Win7, Macbook Pro and Android) connected with wifi so it's not a specific equipment that's bugging.

The router can crash if too much is downloaded. In those cases all internet goes off and I need to restart the router. That isn't the case this time.

I know the reason is probably that the router is rubbish. I just want to know why from a technical standpoint.

I don't know what type the router is as it came in a box marked the phone company and the manual that came with it only references how to set it up.
It's some kind of Zyxel router. Light gray with 4 ethernet ports and 2 ports for a telephone line. It's pretty big but very light with a standard black antenna. Definitely looks like a cheap model.
I had a similar issue with my old PS3 disconnecting from my new wireless router. Could depend on which transmission method your router is using, see if you can change it between a,b,g or n. Also when I did a little bit of digging on the subject someone suggested that If you had the rate set to auto, this could cause problems. So start at 54mbps and work your way down the list till you find a rate that won't disconnect your PS3.

Never tested these myself, because I had a set of homeplugs anyway, so just used them.

Got a new style PS3 last year and not had any issues with wireless on that though.