Need Freeview HD/TV Aerial help

Member 55443

I recently bought this TV:

I use Sky+ on it, which runs totally fine but since the TV claims to have Freeview HD built in, I thought worth it to get an aerial for it to have a few decent HD channels.

First I bought this:

The TV said it had no signal at all when trying to tune, I assumed I'd bought the wrong one, or it wasn't strong enough.

So then I bought this one today:

Looks exactly what I needed, only for the TV to still pick up no signal. There is no other antenna input on the TV and I even checked my area for Freeview HD signal and it says I can get 5 HD channels, heck we have older freeview boxes working in the house with indoor aerials.

What am I doing wrong? Please help me. :(
The aerials are in-door ones so they plug right into the TV, no coming through the wall for them. Even though the majority gave that second aerial 5* review, a handful gave it 0 because they too received no channels, maybe I'm just unlucky. I might just upgrade to Sky HD to be honest, it seems to get Freeview HD I'd have to get a brand new exterior aerial for the roof because of the signal strength here or something.