Need forr Speed: The Run


I too love women...for their shoes.
Jul 23, 2004
Couldn't find a thread on this. so..

from Wiki:
New game information has revealed that the main character's name is indeed 'Jack'; he must win The Run in order to "save his life". The game features out-of-car action for the first time in the series, represented by quick-time events that include running across rooftops, taking out cops, and escaping wrecked cars in precarious situations.
So basically it's going to be a shit GTA with more racing.
I'm hoping there would be a feature to and the cars like underground2.
It doesn't look as impressive as Hot Pursuit, IMO. Not even close. The second race in the demo reminded me of Split/Second.

I'll pass.
Just tried the demo out. Seems to run considerably less smoothly than HP. Not a fan of the franchise has a whole (except HP, which was excellent) so won't be picking it up....which is good news for the bank balance.
Just tried the demo out. Seems to run considerably less smoothly than HP. Not a fan of the franchise has a whole (except HP, which was excellent) so won't be picking it up....which is good news for the bank balance.

Agree with everything you just said. The visuals were very disappointing given what I had read about the new engine they were employing.