Need for Speed Shift 2


Full Member
Jan 18, 2009
Just played this moments ago. Turned it off immediately. A near carbon copy of the first game. Don't know who would buy it. It even looks worse, so I don't know what they were doing whilst actually creating it besides copying their previous work with many shortcuts taken. No multiplayer so it has no saving grace. In fact there's no single player time trials either. Just a career mode. Bog standard game made look worse by the fact they've gone backwards in their progress. This wouldn't be good enough as Shift 1

Stay away!!!
Hm, I was going to get this on the basis of some really good reviews. Doesn't it have the same Autolog system as Hot Pursuit so you can compete against friends?

Didn't notice that. The main menu is just career and options. Hardly enough to warrant a purchase based on beating other peoples times, should an option even be available.
Awful awful game. I hate the steering that reminded me of TDU2, might uninstall it later it's that bad.