

Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
Does anyone watch this? Brilliant series, but this final episode is horrific. Contageous cancer :eek: jesus christ those poor Tasmanian Devils, I've never seen anything like this.
Ban SmashedHombre.

Sorry, you said what now?
Well sincher, I am glad you asked. Basically Tazmanian Devils were hunted to near extinction and so their population increase is the result of a lot of inbreeding. Because of this their genes are incredibly similar to each other, so because of this their natural immune system isn't recognising that cancerous cells from other Devils aren't their own chromosones. This has resulted in the first ever case of contageous cancer and its wiping out the Tazmanian Devils at an alarming rate, it's also causing some of the most horrific tumours I have ever seen.
Look gimps i understand you are upset at the number of 'worst mod' votes you are getting from everyone on the caf, but stop hi-jacking my thread. Tumerous Tazmanian Devils is interesting stuff
