Name Changed
Any chance of a name change? Mine is so shite...
Something like Macheda would be good. I reckon he's a star in the making.
Something like Macheda would be good. I reckon he's a star in the making.
I heard Weso is gonna be good too hahaa
on a serious note though, there is a thread stickied though, just PM a mod dude.
If you make a thread about it in here then you are more than likely gonna get something hilarious for us all to laugh at.
theres already a newbie with that name.. shoulda thought ahead pal
Just give him 'WeWonIt2+1Times'
or "three_times_a_charm"
anyway, i bet you will end with "i'm_gay" as your new username
Marcos, of all poeple here, you should know not to suggest such things.
remember this:
yep, i remember that, i was the admins biatch at that time
had to suck them, cook for them and do the laundry
Would you be able to change mine to:
Has to be done really
ps: if its too long go with: WeWonIt3Times