

Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
feck snes, this thing was the dogs bollocks. Mario Kart 64, Golden Eye, Rayman 2, Mario Party 1 and 2, Mario Tennis 64 'probably the best tennis game ever!' Crusin the USA, Wave Race, Banjoo Kazooee, Diddy Kong racing, Super Mario 64, Super Smash Bro's, list goes on!
better than all that shite listed above.
I never had one of these, I had the PSOne.

I remember going around to my mates every day after school to play that WWF wrestling game.
I remember playing the shit out of wwf no mercy.

Zelds OOT is also my favourite game of all time!
I never had one of these, I had the PSOne.

I remember going around to my mates every day after school to play that WWF wrestling game.

Yep, I remember always going over to a buddy's house and playing some WCW game. I was always Sting, and I kicked ass. He always wanted me to leave though, and I couldn't tell if it was because he didn't like me, or because I always Scorpion Death Dropped his ass
Can't deny it wasn't comfortable to hold?

Think the best pad belongs to the Gamecube though

The gamecube pad was near enough perfection. I don't think I've held a more comfortable controller. Also had some great games, an underated console.

Edit : inb4 gamecube thread
The gamecube pad was near enough perfection. I don't think I've held a more comfortable controller. Also had some great games, an underated console.

Edit : inb4 gamecube thread

Just fit the hands perfectly, with every button within immeidate reach. Like you say, as close to perfection as we've seen
Can't deny it wasn't comfortable to hold?

Think the best pad belongs to the Gamecube though

Didn't think it was comfortable at all... especially when having to use the joypad (which was often), as both your hands were far too close together then they should have been.

Also, wasn't there a button on the back?? like, directly behind where the joypad was?
N64 truly was a great gaming experience, mainly because of the great games that were available

Mario Kart and Goldeneye remain 2 of the greatest games i've ever played
Didn't think it was comfortable at all... especially when having to use the joypad (which was often), as both your hands were far too close together then they should have been.

Also, wasn't there a button on the back?? like, directly behind where the joypad was?

Yes there was. The Z button, which was effectively a trigger since you had to hold the joypad like a gun.
In terms of multiplayer it was streets ahead of the PSone.

Partially due to the ps one only supporting two players for most games. I suppose the n64 kind of pioneered four player local gaming on a grand scale.
Yes there was. The Z button, which was effectively a trigger since you had to hold the joypad like a gun.

Yup, the good old "Z-targeting" that has featured in every Zelda game since OoT was developed from that one button.

I thought the N64 controllers were fine, not nearly as good as the GameCube controllers though. That's still my favourite!
How has nobody even mentioned the best N64 game yet? (apart from OP (DOH) :nervous:)


Other personal favourites include Goldeneye 007, World Cup 98, Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart 64
feck snes, this thing was the dogs bollocks. Mario Kart 64, Golden Eye, Rayman 2, Mario Party 1 and 2, Mario Tennis 64 'probably the best tennis game ever!' Crusin the USA, Wave Race, Banjoo Kazooee, Diddy Kong racing, Super Mario 64, Super Smash Bro's, list goes on!


The SNES was the best console of its generation.

The N64 was a console that was played for one reason - Goldeneye.

PS1 had stolen the show.
I'm still playing Mario Kart pretty much everyday at the moment with my housemates. It was released 16 years ago...

The making of that game was an absurd achievement.
I'm still playing Mario Kart pretty much everyday at the moment with my housemates. It was released 16 years ago...

The making of that game was an absurd achievement.

Good old Wario stadium cheat. You skip half the level with one jump.
I've just Youtubed that, now. Had absolutely no idea that could be done. :lol:
I've just Youtubed that, now. Had absolutely no idea that could be done. :lol:

There was quite a few. On Koopas beach if you don't have the boost to do the tunnel jump you could take a right before and cut through the water. Get's you ahead by a couple seconds.

Rainbow world has another jump but it's feckin hard. Literally when you start you need a boost to do it you do a suicide boost to the left and you land half way through.

There's one on Kalamari desert where you go through the train tunnel and you skip the level but I've never done it.

I've just done a youtube search and all I can say is wow. There are some good players out there.
I only knew one of those (Koopa Beach). I hardly ever get a mushroom though. Will check out the rest!
I loved Majora's Mask. I hope they do a remake of that on the 3DS but it looks unlikely.

Doesn't sound too unlikely IMO

“It’s something I’m asked about often and I assure you that it is something I’ve spoken to Miyamoto about. But recently we released The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D as a remake. We are considering the idea, but it didn’t seem right to launch a remake one after another, so the next Zelda game on 3DS will be original.”

I loved Zelds OOT but never got round to playing MM. Shame because it wad supposed to be a brilliant game. I would love another wind waker style game, was absolutely blown away by that.
Anyone know why mine would decide to keep resetting itself at random times? I've checked the reset button and it isn't stuck, so I guess it might be the power adapter/lead. But I'd have thought it wouldn't be so random if it was the lead.

It did it about 1-2 years ago, but I did something (don't know what) and it stopped doing it.