My Super Sweet 16

I hate the kids involved, but cant help but watch it if its on. I laughed at one when the kids cake got knocked over by someone and she threw a massive tantrum. Also, every kid seems to think that they are some sort of superstar performer, and have to produce a stage show for everyone to see how wonderful they are which annoys me.

Another thing that I find quite tedious about it, is at the end when the DJ says 'can we have everyone out front please' and all the kids act like they have no idea whats happening. Surely they have seen the show before, and know that the spoilt brat is going to get a new car that they wont be eligible to drive for at least 2 years
Spoilt cows is all I can say - the parents ought to be ashamed
Seen a few of them when the missus is watching it, there was one where at the end where you expect the spoilt little cow to get a car she got a feckin flat.

All the kids who've been on that show should be put down.
Poster child for World's most stupid/tolerant parents, how one of those brats haven't gotten a smackdown on air from their folks, I'll never know. They're spending half a mil on your fecking party, the least you can do is not be a bitch to them, thought they kinda deserve it though, raising kids that way to begin with.
My mrs likes this sort of shite. As well as the other shitr they show on MTV these days. It angers me.
Why do those girls even think that many people give a sh*t about their birthdays?

It's for desperado's, and any 'celebrity' that apears on it is a desperado. Danielle Lloyd is in one episode
For my 16th birthday, I started my first real job. :cool:

"I need your birth details for some paperwork."
"July 2nd, 1988."
"That's today."
"I know."

This show is piss-funny though, amazing how some parents have so much money and spend it on their children.

Some of the parents don't have a lot of money either - but their children have expensive clothes and stuff. Horrific.
I kinda wonder who the target audience is for this show? Obviously no-one sane or anyone with high blood pressure.

I would say women... but do even women enjoy watching this sort of shit?

Maybe rich people who enjoy watching other rich people?

Honestly... it puzzles me. The show has no real appeal whatsoever, it's just a bunch of horrible kids, shallow friends and terrible parents.
It can be quite good at times, pretty much all of them have atleast one huge tantrum about not getting the car they want even though the one they are offerd is still like £100,000

As for the target audience I think its aimed more at people like us who would like to watch purely to laugh at how ridiculous they all are.
I watched one a while back and there was girl in it who had already been given a car previously, I can't remember the exact model but it was brand new and not at all shit, something like a small Audi or BMW I imagine. Her parents gave her the choice of a huge party, which she chose, or a new Porshce Cayenne or something like that. She then started moaning that she wanted the Porsche as well and her dad kept saying no because she chose the party. When the time arrived to get everyone out front to see the car coming in it was the same as the one she already had and she threw a tantrum declaring how much she hated her parents, then they rolled in the Porshce and suddenly she was daddy's little angel again. Stupid bitch.
'Like, oh my god, you only got me ONE car? You fecking jerks, I hate you!'

This girl has just recorded a version of Valerie, which she will mime to at her party...

In the 2nd part, they've just shown her screaming at her mates, 'get back in the party!'

There is no sense in lavishing that amount on a 16 year old

I was invited to one long time ago, it wasn't as glamorous, but it was a big party, comparable to a wedding. The highlights included the celebrant coming out of the floor, and me nicking 2 bottles of champagne out of the venue
For my 16th birthday, I started my first real job. :cool:

"I need your birth details for some paperwork."
"July 2nd, 1988."
"That's today."
"I know."

This show is piss-funny though, amazing how some parents have so much money and spend it on their children.

Some of the parents don't have a lot of money either - but their children have expensive clothes and stuff. Horrific.

What a novel idea
For my 16th birthday, I started my first real job. :cool:

"I need your birth details for some paperwork."
"July 2nd, 1988."
"That's today."
"I know."

This show is piss-funny though, amazing how some parents have so much money and spend it on their children.

Some of the parents don't have a lot of money either - but their children have expensive clothes and stuff. Horrific.
You should've said "No you fecktard, that was 16 years ago".
It's unfair to blame the kids for this. They've just been granted whatever they want and whenever they want through their loaded parents. If anything, the parents should be getting slapped for their weak parenting and allowing the kids to be insanely spoilt.
Did watch a few couple years back. I think the best one was Timbaland's son who got all the rappers at his b'day. Otherwise pretty much spoilt kids with the same ethos. Southpark did a great piss take outta the program with the devil having his sweet 16, anyone see it?
It's unfair to blame the kids for this. They've just been granted whatever they want and whenever they want through their loaded parents. If anything, the parents should be getting slapped for their weak parenting and allowing the kids to be insanely spoilt.

Not all kids turn out to be grade A wankers heavily spoilt like that.

But at the same time the show's probably hugely edited and suited to make them look even more spoilt than they are........or am I giving them to much credit.
Oh FFS, I just turned over and it's on. Some kid holding auditions to see if people can get an invite to his party :lol::mad:

You've got to be shitting me. Auditions to see who can come to the party? What the feck.

What happened to the age old tradition of, well, ya know. Inviting your friends?
fecking hell

What you are actually seeing on these shows are people with psychotic disorders. The type of carry on you see on these shows is about as bizarre as the type of behaviour you'd expect to see in a mental institution. The only difference is that these kids are loaded, and so their behaviour is just called "Spoilt."

Sweeping aside all the bullshit that comes with money what we're really seeing here are human beings that are so misguided it beggars belief. These parents have bred their children this way and it's disgusting
I hate the kids involved, but cant help but watch it if its on. I laughed at one when the kids cake got knocked over by someone and she threw a massive tantrum. Also, every kid seems to think that they are some sort of superstar performer, and have to produce a stage show for everyone to see how wonderful they are which annoys me.

Another thing that I find quite tedious about it, is at the end when the DJ says 'can we have everyone out front please' and all the kids act like they have no idea whats happening. Surely they have seen the show before, and know that the spoilt brat is going to get a new car that they wont be eligible to drive for at least 2 years

I know I sound like a broken record, but they have been taught these behaviours. This is what they perceive as normal because their parents encourage it. The parents are busy making money and living their independent lives so the kid has to put up with being raised by a Nanny. Often parents will over-compensate when they do manage to fit their children into their hectic business / social lives and so you have a scenario where from the age of 3 a child feels abandoned, but also knows that it can get pretty much what it wants, when it wants.

So there are no boundaries, and no rules, the very 2 things kids need !!

Kid goes through puberty in the wrong frame of mind, and just when you think things can't get any worse, their parents then put their 16th fecking birthday party on Television for the whole world to watch and find funny.

Summary: You've neglected your child purely to give yourself more spare time to live the life you had prior to getting knocked up. You've bred an out and out monster and you then turn it into a reality TV show in the hope that your child become a star

Well done parents. Well done :rolleyes:
The one i just watched the girl got a Porsche 911, for her first car.