My Kid Could Paint That


I exist
Nov 18, 2003
Saw it yesterday at the Curzon in Soho. It was actually really good. Anyone seen it?

If not its the story of an artist called Marla who paints abstract art. Such as this:

Only difference being she is only 4 (at the time of the film being made).
Opens up the debate about whether modern art is actually really all that impressive an art form, if a 4 year old can do it and sell her paintings for thousands of dollars.
However the documentary takes a few twists and turns about the authenticity of the artwork and who is really the artist.

Really good film all in all. Dont think its on general release but definitely worth a watch.
The painting isn't bad at all imo, it's just a matter of taste and whether you like that sort of art
The painting isn't bad at all imo, it's just a matter of taste and whether you like that sort of art

Well the start of the film focuses on whether art done by a four year old is any worse or better than any famous abstract modern artist. However the second half of the film is more about whether she actually did it and whether it was on her own or with stern directions from her father. Whenever she was filmed by the guy doing the documentary her artwork was poor when compared to her other stuff she did with no cameras.
Well the start of the film focuses on whether art done by a four year old is any worse or better than any famous abstract modern artist. However the second half of the film is more about whether she actually did it and whether it was on her own or with stern directions from her father. Whenever she was filmed by the guy doing the documentary her artwork was poor when compared to her other stuff she did with no cameras.

Picasso once said 'It took the first twenty years of my life to learn to paint like an adult, and the rest of my life to paint like a child'
That doesn't take alot of ability.

Perhaps that is the equivalent of Punk-rock in the artworld.