Music Videos from the 80s


There are no words
Aug 24, 2010
Froggle Rock
I think I've come across the worst/best one ever made:

It has it all. Everything from the customary cheesy wink at the end to the singer turning into a walrus and back again, as well as some inappropriate pelvic thrusts along the way.


If there is anything better than this, I need to see it.
Having seen that gif, I think the walrus has more style than the singer. :D
The video to "Glory of Love" by Peter Cetera is pretty good for the terribly bad miming that he does (and for the bits from Karate Kid 2 that are thrown in)...

Generally, I always find the people on 80's music videos to be extremely happy, all the time.
:lol: I know but it happened. To have been in the room when they planned this video must have been quite an experience.


"Alright the video is great, in fact it's better than great but it's still missing something...."
The video to "Glory of Love" by Peter Cetera is pretty good for the terribly bad miming that he does (and for the bits from Karate Kid 2 that are thrown in)...

Generally, I always find the people on 80's music videos to be extremely happy, all the time.

It's a good'un. Classic 80s hair and rolled up sleeves.
Ok this ones from '78 but it obviously paved the way. The art-form of dance came of age the day this video was shot.

Also, is he singing "Oh, you're absolutely fine, you're lips are taste of wine"?