MuM, Erica and All Motown Lovers.......


Victoria's secret
Sep 26, 2006
Super North Wales
This Isley brothers hit (Tell me it's just a rumour baby) was only released in the UK, it has a Northern Souly type theme to it, so I take it that was the market it was targeting.....

Why turn this thread into some sort of gay competition Weaste?
Because I have boxes and boxes of LPs that my mother collected over near a 40 year period that are stuck in a storeroom in a town I don't even live in, and have no way of playing even if I wanted to because I don't have a turntable.
This Isley brothers hit (Tell me it's just a rumour baby) was only released in the UK, it has a Northern Souly type theme to it, so I take it that was the market it was targeting.....

To seriously answer your question, I doubt that when it was written/recorded any "market" was ever thought of, they were just messing around with a B-side, and the marketing at their publisher probably thought that it would sell in the UK due to how it sounded.
a lot of motown sounded exactly like this in the sixties, somehow some of them ( like love on a mountain top etc ) this one, R Dean Taylor, Tainted Love became " Northern Soul " type classics - I never understood the difference myself .
i never went to Wigan Casino ( i wasn't allowed all-nighters! ) but I did go to the Mecca at Blackpool which a wonderful experience, although I can't say I ever managed a back flip!

Thank you though, gb, for that posting - I hadn't heard that record for many many year and it brought back a lot of memories of Oxford Bags!!
I bet you that I have more Motown and Soul LPs than all of you put together. Boxes and boxes full of the bloody things!

I have a few too...;)

a lot of motown sounded exactly like this in the sixties, somehow some of them ( like love on a mountain top etc ) this one, R Dean Taylor, Tainted Love became " Northern Soul " type classics - I never understood the difference myself .
i never went to Wigan Casino ( i wasn't allowed all-nighters! ) but I did go to the Mecca at Blackpool which a wonderful experience, although I can't say I ever managed a back flip!

Thank you though, gb, for that posting - I hadn't heard that record for many many year and it brought back a lot of memories of Oxford Bags!!

Prince of Wales check parallels.....:lol: