Used to watch it way back in the day. Haven't watched it for a good 10 years now. Anything MTV does is usually shit. Their award shows are no exception.

They were brilliant back in the early to mid 90's, shite apart from that though.

Only Kanye can save the VMAs with an outburst
couldnt find a true blood stream so been watching it so far its shit, the host is quite funny, but too much of the show so far has been wasted on talking about justin bieber, eminem intro with rihanna was decent through.
Even though the awards have nothing to do with the video, one thing I love about the VMAS is the live performances, they are always crazy.

Kanye's was breathtaking, it looked like an actual video, he shut the house down untill the point the crowd was chanting his name.

The haters are not going to like to see it, believe me!

Shout out to Drake, doing it big with Swiz and Mary who is still one fecking amazing singer