Film Movies you liked but would only ever watch once.

Ian Reus

Ended 14 years of Grand National sweepstakes
Aug 22, 2014
Somewhere in South America

Too grim to watch again but really liked it as a movie.
Plenty more to post in here.
The Mist (2007).

I always liked movies where a group of people are stuck together in one place due to outside danger, for example Dawn of the Dead (original and remake), but unlike Dawn of the Dead, I just can't rewatch The Mist. It's too grim.
Shawshank redemption, and, green mile. Good movies but once you know how they end it's pointless sitting though 74 hours again.
Interstellar the first that came to mind for some reason. Maybe because it's on Sky all the time.
The boy in the striped pyjamas. Such a beautiful film that ripped my heart up, threw it in the bin then set it on fire.

As good as it is, I will never watch it again.
The boy in the striped pyjamas. Such a beautiful film that ripped my heart up, threw it in the bin then set it on fire.

As good as it is, I will never watch it again.

Loved that film but like you it was a one watch only
Grave of fireflies. Saying that I watched it a second time while showing it to someone else, still horrible even if you know what's coming.
Grave of fireflies. Saying that I watched it a second time while showing it to someone else, still horrible even if you know what's coming.

Ah yes. Great movie, but that definitely is a one time watch only.
That's most movies for me. It's a much shorter list of films I would rewatch, even if I thought they were great. I'd rather watch something new, in general.
That's most movies for me. It's a much shorter list of films I would rewatch, even if I thought they were great. I'd rather watch something new, in general.
Yeah me too but i wouldn't walk out of the room if Indiana Jones was on the tv. I'm pretty sure i'd be hooked on it again pretty quickly. Grave of the Fireflies, Requiem for a Dream, the Road - i'd find something else to do / somewhere else to be.
First to come to mind….

Schindlers List
The Deer Hunter
Silence of the Lambs
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Only watched this recently. Definitely no need to rewatch it though.

I enjoy a bleak film, but this drags bleak to a new level. The last hour is horrific.

On the theme of nuclear apocalypse - Miracle Mile. Very slept on film, must watch, but only once ffs.
Yeah me too but i wouldn't walk out of the room if Indiana Jones was on the tv. I'm pretty sure i'd be hooked on it again pretty quickly. Grave of the Fireflies, Requiem for a Dream, the Road - i'd find something else to do / somewhere else to be.
100% on all three. I'd add Irreversible to that list. Those 4 films, you'd feel better taking a hammer to your own nuts instead of going through those emotions again.
Pretty much any movie where it’s main stand out point is having a major twist.
Ah two spring to mind.

Midnight Run with De Niro

And Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

Both brilliant on first watch but not watchable again when you know what happens.
Oh. Also Se7en - although most of us did get the ending before it happened.
I always find threads like this really useful to tell me which films I should completely avoid :lol:
The Mist (2007).

I always liked movies where a group of people are stuck together in one place due to outside danger, for example Dawn of the Dead (original and remake), but unlike Dawn of the Dead, I just can't rewatch The Mist. It's too grim.
I agree with every word on this post.

I rarely watch films more than once unless I'm researching or watching it for filmmaking.
In some cases yes, but movies like Star Wars and lotr Franchises I watch many multiple times

plenty of movies so far in this thread though I’m in same boat, great movies but never gonna watch them again; boy in the striped PJ’s, schindler's list for example
I have actually only ever seen the Road once. But I think I’d like to see it again